Character Traits According to Astrology

These character descriptions were taken from the popular on-line astrology site Choose the one single KEY number with the PAIR of traits that you think best describes you. (It is OK to ask others for their impressions of you in making your choice).

1 Imaginative and sensitive, Compassionate and kind, Selfless and unworldly, Intuitive and sympathetic Escapist and idealistic, Secretive and vague, Weak-willed and easily led
2 Optimistic and freedom-loving, Jovial and good-humored, Honest and straightforward, Intellectual and philosophical Blindly optimistic and careless, Irresponsible and superficial, Tactless and restless
3 Adaptable and versatile, Communicative and witty, Intellectual and eloquent, Youthful and lively Nervous and tense, Superficial and inconsistent, Cunning and inquisitive
4 Friendly and humanitarian, Honest and loyal, Original and inventive, Independent and intellectual Intractable and contrary, Perverse and unpredictable, Unemotional and detached
5 Modest and shy, Meticulous and reliable, Practical and diligent, Intelligent and analytical Fussy and a worrier, Overcritical and harsh, Perfectionist and conservative
6 Patient and reliable, Warmhearted and loving, Persistent and determined, Placid and security loving Jealous and possessive, Resentful and inflexible, Self-indulgent and greedy
7 Emotional and loving, Intuitive and imaginative, Shrewd and cautious, Protective and sympathetic Changeable and moody, Overemotional and touchy, Clinging and unable to let go
8 Adventurous and energetic, Pioneering and courageous, Enthusiastic and confident, Dynamic and quick-witted Selfish and quick-tempered, Impulsive and impatient, Foolhardy and daredevil
9 Practical and prudent, Ambitious and disciplined, Patient and careful, Humorous and reserved Pessimistic and fatalistic, Miserly and grudging
10 Generous and warmhearted, Creative and enthusiastic, Broad-minded and expansive, Faithful and loving Pompous and patronizing, Bossy and interfering, Dogmatic and intolerant
11 Determined and forceful, Emotional and intuitive, Powerful and passionate, Exciting and magnetic Jealous and resentful, Compulsive and obsessive, Secretive and obstinate
12 Diplomatic and urbane, Romantic and charming, Easygoing and sociable, Idealistic and peaceable Indecisive and changeable, Gullible and easily influenced, Flirtatious and self-indulgent

Calendar 2007


(!!OTHERS!! = events organised by or with other groups)

15 January Skeptics Cafe Video Night
19 February Skeptics Cafe Speaker: Tim van Gelder
19 March Skeptics Cafe Speaker: Roman Kozlovski
!!OTHERS!!11 April Fossil Findings Melbourne Museum Presentation
16 April Skeptics Cafe Speaker: Peter Pentland of SCIENCEWORKS
21 May Skeptics Cafe ”Third Annual Skeptics Trivia Extravaganza”
18 June Skeptics Cafe speaker: Richard Saunders Fakes, Frauds and Fools
16 July Skeptics Cafe speaker: Carlo Kopp The E- Bomb
!!OTHERS!!2 August ”’ Intelligent Design Debate ”’
18/19 and 25/26 August Australian Skeptics at Scienceworks for Science Week
20 August Skeptics Cafe Panel Discussion: Depression: How Effectively is it Managed?
17 September Skeptics Cafe Jill Quirk: Population policy
15 October Skeptics Cafe Catherine Deveney – My Conversion to Atheism
19 November Skeptics Cafe Screening: Guru Busters
17 December Skeptics Cafe Social Evening
!!OTHERS!! Various dates Atheists meet-up Group Calendar
!!OTHERS!! Various dates Royal Society of Victoria Calendar

There are other Victorian organisations of interest that regularly have Public Events. Previous events: Calendar 2006, Calendar 2005, Calendar 2004 Extra keywords: sceptics

National Convention Hobart 2007

The 2007 National Skeptics Convention will be held in Hobart on 17/18 November 2007 . The venue will be the University of Tasmania . Meals will be provided by the University Staff Club.
The conference theme is:
The Use and Abuse of Scientific Data in the Environment Debate
The theme will be interpreted very broadly, but will encompass virtually any issue concerned with human ecology and the environment generally. So it is about as broad a theme as could be imagined.
We would like to know of any people who might wish to provide a paper at the conference. Any suggestions or questions welcome. Please write to: Phone: 03 6234 4731 or 0419 341 585.
Costs will be announced in early 2007, when the matter becomes clearer. We expect that it will be no more than that charged for the excellent Melbourne convention in 2006.
An innovation is that we will permit full-time students View More National Convention Hobart 2007

Science Issues Cafe

The Victorian Skeptics have received notification about this brand new science group. It certainly sounds very interesting and meets not far from our Skeptics Cafe location.
SCIENCE ISSUES CAFE is a monthly discussion group which allows lay people to get together and hear about the latest research or discuss the big issues in science today.
It seems people are willing to express passionate opinions on a range of scientific subjects (global warming is just one example) so I thought it would be good to look at the science behind the policies, and some of the debates within science.
Kaye Hargreaves Convener Science Issues Cafe View More Science Issues Cafe


Speakers at the Australian Skeptics 2006 Convention, to be held 18-19 November in Melbourne.

Dr Stephen Basser

  • (GP, Australian Skeptics commentator on medicine and alternative medicine).
  • Topic: Medicines, Money and the Media – A Dangerous Cocktail?
  • Go to “Search” for articles by Stephen Basser.

Dr Martin Bridgstock

Leigh Dayton

Dr Kevin Hennessy


2006 Convention Accomodation

If you have any questions or need assistance in arranging accommodation, please contact: Email Phone (03) 9378 4414


The following hotels have been found to be near the venue. The event organizers have no connection to these venues and have not thoroughly researched each facility. The information that follows is intended to help you narrow your search and is about places to stay that are close to the museum.
THE HOTEL WINDSOR At the top end of town, and venue for the convention dinner. MENTION THAT YOU ARE ATTENDING THE CONVENTION FOR A SIGNIFICANT DISCOUNT IN ACCOMMODATION RATES ! 103-115 Spring Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000 Telephone (03) 9633 6000 Facsimile (03) 9633 6001 Email: Reservations: (03) 9633 6002 toll free reservations: (1800) 033 100
THE CARLTON CLOCK TOWER Carlton Clocktower Apartments Shop 27 255 Drummond Street Carlton, VIC 3053 Phone: (03) 9349 9700 Fax: (03) 9349 2542 Email:
View More 2006 Convention Accomodation