Museum Victoria Farewells John Long

After five years as Museum Victoria’s Head of Sciences, Dr John Long is leaving this week to take up the position of Vice President of Research and Collections at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.
John’s interest in palaeontology dates back to when he collected his first fossils at the age of seven. Following postgraduate and postdoctoral studies, John worked at several Australian institutions before joining the Western Australian Museum in 1989 as Curator of Vertebrate Palaeontology.
John’s most prominent research at MV has examined the evolution of prehistoric placoderm fishes, which were among the first verebrates to evolve jaws. The fossils that he studies are more than 380 million years old and were discovered in the Gogo Formation of the Western Australian Kimberley region. View More Museum Victoria Farewells John Long

Simon Singh vs British Chiropractic Association Defamation Case

Simon Singh

British Science writer and Skeptic Simon Singh has been sued by the British Chiropractic Association for comments he made in his book Trick or Treatment? Alternative Medicine on Trial A recent pre-trial decision suggests that Singh may be subject to lengthy and expensive litigation, precisely because his comments are based on Scientific evidence rather than mere opinion! A thorough history of events so far can be found here: Also on this page is a link to the campaign “Keep Libel Laws Out of Science“. There is also a link to enable individuals to donate to this campaign. Here is a link to a podcast of an interview Simon Singh recorded View More Simon Singh vs British Chiropractic Association Defamation Case

Abstract for Dr Prentice's Talk

On July 20th 1969, at 20 h 17 m GMT, the lunar module ‘Eagle” of the NASA Apollo 11 space mission touched down at the edge of the Sea of Tranquillity on the Moon. And about 6 and a half hour later, Neil Armstrong descended the ladder from the module and became the first person ever to set foot on the grey-powdery lunar surface.
We all remember Neil’s famous first words as he took that first step: “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind“. It is extraordinary that after a lapse of 40 years, since the last manned lunar landing, by Apollo 17 in December 1972, that no one else has been back to the Moon. Was it all just a hoax? Definitely not! The speaker has made 20 visits to the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in Pasadena CA, and got to meet several of the scientists and View More Abstract for Dr Prentice's Talk


Australian Skeptics (Victorian Branch)

(As of September 2008)

  • President
    • Terry Kelly
  • Vice President
    • Peter Hogan
  • Secretary
    • Ken Greatorex
  • Treasurer and Public Officer
    • Roy Arnott
  • Challenge co-ordinator
    • Charles Tivendale
  • Other Committee members:
    • Dahli Briedis
    • Chris Guest
    • Don Hyatt
    • Malcolm Vickers
    • Alastair Tait

Melbourne's Mind Body Wallet Festival, June 2009

It was Queen’s Birthday Weekend in Melbourne.  Several Vic Skeptics took the opportunity to check out the Mind, Body Spirit Festival (aka MB$) being celebrated in the edifice affectionately known as Jeff’s Shed.  Here are some reports.

Having never been to the Mind Body Wallet, sorry Spirit – Festival before, I was curious about what it might be like, the lone Skeptic in a sea of belief.  Not quite; I had my 12 year old daughter with me and would be meeting fellow Skeptics – on the inside.
Realistically, the possibility of changing any one’s mind-set at such an event was very low. I’d just take in the sights and ask a few polite questions; that’s all. In any case, if I got into too long a conversation with anyone, no doubt my daughter would quickly let me know she was bored and drag me away in a half-nelson hold.
The “Good Food and Wine” show was on next door. It was very tempting View More Melbourne's Mind Body Wallet Festival, June 2009

Fifth Annual Skeptics Trivia Extravaganza

Monday 18 2009 witnessed the most competitive VSATE yet, with only six points separating the two teams that tied for first position and the two teams that tied for last position. Three more of the eight competing tables were within a point of the dais. For the record, Christopher Short’s ILLUMINATI eclipsed Terry Kelly’s DARK MATTER only after the tie-breaker was invoked. Terry was heard to comment (a) “We Wuz Robbed” and (b) “Where’s Tom Hanks when you need him?

It should be noted that an exit poll supported the proposition that the wrong team had won.

During the course of the evening, we successfully map-dowsed to locate Area 51; we determined The Best Psychic in the Room ; we actually found a good use for a Tarot Pack; and we evaluated an online Psychic Reading site and a Reiki Training Weekend Your interlocutor, Ken Greatorex & the Microphone from Hell . Some of THE McSKEPTICS who finished 1 point off the pace. A few of the DARK MATTER team. We’re number 2. We try harder . THE UNIONISTS. Highlighted is William, The Best Psychic In the Room. THE ILLUMINATI THE MORMONS

  • The organisers wish to acknowledge Mr Darwin K. Bear for his invaluable input. Mr Bear is pictured here after the rigours of the evening replenishing his psychic reserves with a spot of tantric flying.

A Report on the 5th Annual Skeptics Trivia Extravaganza

Monday May 18 2009 witnessed the most competitive ASVTE yet, with a spread of only six points between the two teams that tied for first position and the two teams that tied for last position. For the Record, the winning team was Christopher Short’s ILLUMINATI in a tie breaker over DARK MATTER. (Where’s Tom Hanks when you need him?) However , it should be noted that an exit poll supported the view that the wrong team had won.

During the course of the evening, a Tarot deck was put to good use; we located Area 51 by a map-dowsing procedure; we determined The Best Psychic in the Room; and we evaluated an on-line Psychic Reading service and a Reiki Masters clinic. The organisers would like to acknowledge the invaluable assistance of Mr Darwin K. Bear.