“Mixed Bag” April 2012 Answers

1. Benjamin Disraeli said “Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

Joseph Stalin said “One death is a tragedy. 10,000 deaths is a statistic

Groucho Marx said “I wouldn’t want to join any club that would have me as a member”

Winston Churchill said The honourable member has much to be modest about

Neville Wran said Balmain boys don’t cry

Paul Keating said This is a beautiful set of numbers


2.  (a)  Letters    (b) They are a musical quartet


3. Peter Finch, Geoffrey Rush


4. The Defenders


5. Paracetamol


6. I’ve Never Been to Me


7. a. excited  


8. horse


9. Up Pompeii


10. Tightrope walking

A Skeptic’s Guide to The Age of the Earth

This article first appeared as a Vic Skeptics discussion pamphlet. The full range of our discussion pamphlets can be downloaded by clicking the “Useful Info” link at the top of this page.

When naturalists started examining the Earth in the 18th century for evidence of its age, they were to a large extent seeking to confirm the suggestion of the Bible that the Earth was several thousand years old; but the closer they looked, the less certain they were that this was the correct answer.

Geologists examined the rocks across Britain, and noted that the same sequence of rocks occurred in different places, suggesting that the rocks had a common source. They also noticed that different levels of rocks contained different groups of fossils, including fossils of animals different from those of today, and not mentioned in the Bible. Yet the fossils were in similar orders in different locations. Rocks were also classified according to how they were made, and by the order in which they’d been created. In the first case, rocks were classified as sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic. Sedimentary rocks are rocks created by grains of mud or sand laid down over the years on lake or sea floors, and compressed into rock by the weight of material lying above them. Igneous rocks are rocks of volcanic origin. Some are from lava which has cooled solid on the surface of the Earth (such as basalt), while others have cooled while still inside the Earth (such as granite), and emerged after they’d solidified. Metamorphic rocks are rocks (usually sedimentary) which have been altered by heat or pressure (such as limestone being converted to marble). View More A Skeptic’s Guide to The Age of the Earth

Dr Ken Harvey Awarded CHOICE “Consumer Champion”

Congratulations to Dr Ken Harvey. The Australian Consumers Association has named Dr Ken Harvey as the CHOICE “Consumer Champion of 2012”.

It seems if there is a shonky medical product on sale, Dr Harvey knows about it and works tirelessly to highlight the problem to government authorities and the public at large; and to improve policy and regulation to reduce the harm and financial burden that shonky products impose on consumers.

The award is well deserved. The number of committees, policy groups and organisations on which Dr Harvey serves and is actively involved with is bewildering.

Most notably in the last twelve months, Dr Harvey was faced with a problem that every consumer advocate dreads facing. He was sued for defamation by the promoters of a slimming product called SensaSlim. He did not back down in his criticisms of the claims made for the product. Eventually View More Dr Ken Harvey Awarded CHOICE “Consumer Champion”

James Randi returns to Australia in 2012

James “The Amazing”  Randi is returning to Australia to speak at the National Convention. Most readers would be familiar with the life and activities of James Randi, arguably the world’s most prominent skeptic.

The Convention will be held in Melbourne starting on Friday the 30th of November.

The Convention’s organising committee represents several skeptical groups in Victoria. Collectively they are very grateful that Randi has agreed to visit Australia once again.

The most up to date information about the 2012 National Convention, can be found here.

Other news is that there is a project under way to make a documentary about Randi’s life, headed by the well regarded and experienced Justin Weinstein and Tyler Measom. The producers are asking for contributions to help get the project under way. Details can be found here.

The trailer for the documentary.

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/36724471]

TGA, Dr Ken Harvey and SensaSlim News

by Mal Vickers

 OK I admit I’ve been somewhat critical of the TGA in the past. However, in the spirit of fairness, when they do something right, I think I should say – hurrah!

As of the 29th of February, the TGA website announced:

The TGA will be making a final decision on the weight loss product, the SUPPREXXA Hunger Buster kit, after consideration of material provided by the sponsor, Chika Health Pty Ltd, in support of the claims made about the kit.

(Insert sound of clapping)

The promoter’s claims under scrutiny are that the product will:

Assist Weight Loss, Decrease Hunger, Fight Fatigue, Stimulate Fat Burn and Improve Energy

The promoters also say it should be used:

…in conjunction with a healthy, energy controlled diet and exercise program.

To me, this looks like bait and switch advertising. Potential customers are seduced by the weight loss message, however, it may be that the only way weight is lost is by putting in the hard work with the diet and exercise program. Could potential customers simply not buy the kit (thereby saving $50) and View More TGA, Dr Ken Harvey and SensaSlim News