July 2015 Picture Puzzles – Answers
1. Inoperable
2. Tenuous
3. Tentacles
4. Staccato
5. Important
6. Pie dish
7. Tin Pan Alley
June 2015 Picture Puzzles – Answers
1. The inside scoop
2. Sophisticate
3. Ready to rumble
4. Supercilious
5. Bellicose
6. Impeccable
7. Bordello
May 2015 Picture Puzzles – Answers
1. Highly disgusted
2. Laid up with a broken leg
3. Dial tones
4. For what we are about to receive
5. Carbon bonding OR Carbon dating
6. Embargo
7. Consequence
April 2015 Picture Puzzles – Answers
1. I Belong to You
2. Realistic
3. Doesn’t it make you cross?
4. Number 10 Downing Street
5. War and Peace
6. Play Misty for Me
7. Elusive Butterfly
March Puzzles
The MARCH 2015 SKEPTICAL CROSSWORD makes a return to general Skeptical issues
Fresh Picture Puzzles and Mixed Bag Questions have been posted to the top of the PUZZLES PAGE. Enjoy!
Darwin Day 2015: Events, Resources and Information
Thursday February 12 is the 206th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin.
Darwin Day is celebrated around the world by Skeptics and fellow free-thinkers. Here is an article by Rosslyn Ives which discusses Darwin’s life, work and continuing importance.
In Melbourne this year you will have at least three opportunities to participate in Darwin Day-related events.
On Tuesday February 10th there is a Darwin Day Barbecue & Lecture at the Unitarian Hall, 110 Grey Street East Melbourne VIC 3002; barbecue from 5pm, lecture 8pm.
On Thursday February 12th Skeptics, Humanists and Progressive Atheists invite you to a Darwin Day Barbecue in the Boat Shed area of Studley Park. Here is a poster for that event. https://skeptics.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/melbddposter2015.jpg
On Saturday February 14th Melbourne Freethinkers have a Picnic in the Park from 12 pm. Fitzroy Gardens, 230-298 Wellington Parade Melbourne 3002
Most of our teacher friends will already be familiar with Vic Skeptics’ Darwin Day Suite of classroom exercises. There’s something useful here for every year level from Primary to VCE. https://skeptics.cafe/for-sale/stuff-for-teachers-education-resources/darwin-day-february-12-classroom-suite-of-exercises/
March 2015 Logic & Maths Problems – Solutions
1. Answer: Paul.
If John is lying, then George and Ringo would be telling the truth, which would mean John was not lying, so he can’t be the liar.
If Paul was lying, then Ringo would also be lying, so he must be telling the truth, as well.
So we now know that neither John nor Paul finished last. If Ringo was lying, then George would have finished last, which would mean that he was lying, as well. So Ringo can’t be lying.
This leaves George as our liar, so we know George did not finish first. Neither did Ringo (he finished last), nor did John (he finished neither first nor last). Therefore, Paul won the race!
2. Four minutes
3. 8:02 or 2 minutes past 8.
4. Answer: 76
IF my house number was a multiple of 3, it would have to be 51, 54 or 57.
51, 54, and 57 are NOT multiples of 4.
But if my house number is NOT a multiple of 4, the answer has to lie between 60 and 69.
So my house number is NOT a multiple of 3.
My house number can’t be a multiple of 6 either, because any multiple of 6 is also a multiple of 3.
So, because my house number is NOT a multiple of 6, it must lie between 70 and 79.
If my house number is NOT a multiple of 4, it lies in the range 60 to 69.
The only possibility is that my house number IS a multiple of 4, lies in the range 70 to 79, but is NOT also a multiple of 3 (or 6).
The only candidate is 76.
5. 26
6. Tuesday
7. Incorrectly (Pointer moves down during a flood)
8. 34
9. 4 animals
10. Green
“Mixed Bag” Questions March 2015 – Answers
- H2O
- David Boon
- Bores, Robes
- Piloting the first manned aircraft to Break the Sound Barrier
- A 9 sided polygon
- My Favourite Martian, The Courtship of Eddie’s Father, The Magician, The Incredible Hulk
- The Tempest
- Nicole Kidman, Elle MacPherson
- Anni-Frid or Frida
- Phoenix
- Hydraulic Press and Flush toilet are his best-known inventions
- The current President of France
- Max Born
- Meals on Wheels
- Dorothy Wall
- Rock-Paper-Scissors
- Carlos The Jackal
- Charles Bannerman
- Lightning
- An improvement that makes things worse