Vyom Sharma, Doctor, Magician and Mentalist

     Dr Vyom Sharma

After gaining his medical degree in 2008, Vyom Sharma completed specialist training and currently works in Melbourne as a General Practitioner. However alongside his clinical work, he has carved out a career in show business.

As a magician and mentalist, he has performed live stage shows at the Sydney Opera House, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Melbourne International Comedy Festival, and was a grand finalist on Australia’s Got Talent.

His knowledge of medicine, combined with his experiences with the psychology of deception have afforded him a rare insight into the human experience of truth and persuasion. He explores the neuroscience of deception and beliefs as a regular Guest Lecturer at Monash University’s school of biological sciences.

He has debunked pseudoscientific therapies in the media, including Fairfax newspapers, Triple R radio and medical trade magazines.

Vyom Sharma will be our featured speaker at next Skeptics Café  (Monday August 20)

He will also appear at Australian Skeptics Annual Convention in Sydney over the weekend of October 13 & 14

Puzzles for July 2018

Fresh Picture Puzzles are at the top of the  Puzzles Page.

Mixed Bag Questions, Skeptical Crosswords and Logic & Maths Puzzles now come in pdf form and can be reached from here or from the Puzzles Page.

For July:

07 July 2018 Mixed bag questions

95 July 2018 Crossword Famous Scientists

Logic and Maths Puzzles 72 July 2018

The PDF format requires the Adobe Reader for viewing. The Adobe Reader is free software and may be obtained at this website: http://get.adobe.com/reader/


Puzzles for June 2018

The usual seven new monthly Picture Puzzles are at the top of the  Puzzles Page, Our Mixed Bag Questions, Skeptical Crosswords and Logic & Maths Puzzles now come in pdf form and can be reached from here or from the Puzzles Page

For June:

06 June 2018 Mixed bag questions

94 June 2018 Crossword Philosophers

Logic and Maths Puzzles 71 June 2018

The PDF format requires the Adobe Reader for viewing. The Adobe Reader is free software and may be obtained at this website: http://get.adobe.com/reader/


Sharon Hill’s Spooky Geology

We have much pleasure in announcing Sharon Hill as our June Skeptics Café speaker. Sharon is a Pennsylvanian geologist who researches the paranormal, pseudoscience, and anomalous natural phenomena.

As well as being a prolific columnist and speaker she is a co-founder of

Doubtful News

and hosts the podcast 15 Credibility Street.

She is the author of Scientifical Americans: The Culture of Amateur Paranormal Researchers.

Skeptics Café is a regular monthly event and members of the public are welcome.

Monday  June 18, The Clyde Hotel Carlton, 8pm (or join us for a meal from 6 pm)

At May Skeptics Café

We’re pleased to have been visited by Dr Pauli Ohukainen from Finland. He’s a cardiovascular research scientist from Finland working in Melbourne (Baker Institute) until June 1st. He’s also an avid skeptical activist with his own blog in Finnish with 7000 followers on Facebook, (which is not too bad in a small country of 5M), and he’s also active on Twitter, which is his international forum: https://twitter.com/POhukainen. He was keen to meet some skeptics while in Melbourne, and took “selfies” at May Skeptics Café with two of our distinguished members, Francesca Folk-Scolaro (L) and Elida Radig (R).

Puzzles for May 2018

Whilst we continue to put our monthly Picture Puzzles at the top of the  Puzzles Page, our Mixed Bag Questions, Skeptical Crosswords and Logic & Maths Puzzles come in pdf form.

For May:

05 May 2018 Mixed bag questions

93 May 2018 Crossword Astrology

Logic and Maths Puzzles 70 May 2018

The PDF format requires the Adobe Reader for viewing. The Adobe Reader is free software and may be obtained at this website: http://get.adobe.com/reader/
