SKEPTICON 2019 – Earlybird Tickets Go On Sale

Australian Skeptics Annual Convention, Melbourne
Friday December 6 to Sunday December 8 2019

Tickets are now available for purchase at an Early Bird rate at this link:

The Earlybird discount is 5% off standard ticket price and applies to both full and concession tickets. View More SKEPTICON 2019 – Earlybird Tickets Go On Sale

Puzzles for June 2019

This month’s puzzles comprise the usual rebus-type Picture Puzzles, “Mixed Bag” triva type questions that get progressively harder, a Skeptical Crossword about Astrology with a set of standard and cryptic clues, and ten Logic and Maths Puzzles with in-depth solutions.

All on the PUZZLES PAGE.


Melbourne’s “Global March for Sciences” – IMPORTANT NOTICE

To clear up some confusion about next Saturday May 4th’s Melbourne event.

It WILL be a BYO everything picnic, NOT a march. All welcome.

It will take place entirely within the leafy environs of the Royal Society of Victoria. For those unfamiliar with the RSV, it entirely occupies the traffic island formed by Victoria Street / Exhibition Street / Latrobe Street. Some limited free parking should be available on site.

RSV site

View More Melbourne’s “Global March for Sciences” – IMPORTANT NOTICE

May 4 Global March for Science (Melbourne)

Join us for the Melbourne edition of this year’s Global March for Science event, hosted by the Royal Society of Victoria. Bring a picnic lunch and a poster to celebrate science with us, and join in a panel discussion that will challenge and inspire you to be a better advocate for science.

                               Royal Society of Victoria building
                                   8 Latrobe Street Melbourne

We’ve all seen examples of individuals, groups and governments ignoring or denying the best available science and making decisions that have put us all at greater risk of harm. Consider the anti-vaccination phenomenon, outcomes of government policies in the Murray-Darling basin, and the inadequacy of government policy and action on energy and climate change, and so on…

We can all do better than this! View More May 4 Global March for Science (Melbourne)