Surf Coast Skepticamp 2025

It’s time once again to start thinking about Surf Coast Skepticamp – the delightful gathering of skeptics at Aireys Inlet on the Great Ocean Road.

This year the event is being held at Aireys Inlet Community Hall from 10.30am to 4.30pm. The journey from Melbourne is around 1 hour 45 minutes by combustion engine, battery, or hybrid powered vehicles. Time absolutely slides by as the stunning vista of Great Ocean Road scenery cruises by. The cost, of course, is free. But you can still help with arrangements by popping into Eventbrite here and picking up a ticket. Full details are available there also.

Topics covered in the past include: UFOs (Saunders & Dunning beamed live from Bend, Oregon!), Anti-vaxxers after COVID, Going Solar, Fake Martial Arts, Catching Academic Cheats, Climate change in Australia: fact vs. fiction, Crowdfunding Scams, Shayna Jack, sports supplements and regulators, The Weeping Woman and Other Tales: The Belief in the Supernatural in Latin America, Quiz: Just how smart are skeptics?, and much more.

Come along and enjoy the day. Or, why not bring your interests to Skepticamp and present a 20 minute-ish talk? If that sounds like you, just drop an email with your details and chosen topic to And if your topic just happens to be about sleepy songs well that’s fine also. Skeptical thoughts on public health, alternatives to medicine, communicating with the dead, UFO/UAP reports, or the many bizarre claims reaching social media; any and all are welcome. 

We break for lunch and visit the various eateries around Aireys Inlet then finish the evening with a wind down and meal at Aireys pub. 

See you there!

ATTENTION! Skeptics Café via Zoom

We are having our first virtual Skeptics Cafe TONIGHT (Monday 20th April) at 7.30.

From Vic Skeptics President

Hi everyone,

Tonight Clem Stanyon will be giving us a great talk about his work in the biotech industry and the GMO crops that he is involved in producing.

We will be trialling this event on You don’t need to create an account, you should be able to follow the link below.


Patents and Portents: In Insider View on the Production of GMOs

Born to English migrants from the war generation, English teachers both, I have lived and worked in 5 cities in 3 countries on 3 continents: Perth and Melbourne here in Australia, Detroit and Seattle in the US, and Lyon in France, in which work I have been consistently employed to create DNA constructs for making genetically modified organisms. I currently work in the Victorian government agricultural sector, for the first time making GMOs that are not for research purposes only, but for commercial purposes, working mainly on constructs for canola and wheat.

Clem’s talk starts at 7:30pm sharp.
We encourage questions to be posted on the Q&A chat.

Follow the zoom link:

Or join by phone:
Dial (Australia): +61 3 7018 2005 or +61 2 8015 6011


Darwin Day 2020

ANNUAL BARBECUE (Melbourne area)

Help us celebrate Charles Darwin’s 211th birthday at the annual Barbecue, from 5 pm at the Studley Park Boathouses picnic area. BYO everything.


Celebrate February 12 (Charles Darwin’s Birthday) in your classroom!

charles_darwin_statue_natural_history_museum_londonCharles Darwin Crossword Years 9 to 12

Darwin bio Read and answer

Charles Darwin Wordsearch Years 5 to 8

Charles Darwin Cryptogram Years 7 to 10


charles_darwin_by_grichmond [Colouring in}

Vic Skeptics Trivia Night

It’s the Unconventional Trivia Night.

Why unconventional? We’re glad you asked. It’s on Thursday 5th December. Skepticon doesn’t start until Friday 6th; and you don’t have to be going to Skepticon to come. It WILL cost you fifteen of your hard-earned dollars, however. You don’t have to be a nerd either, although that would certainly be no disadvantage.

It’s our Fifteenth Annual Vic Skeptics Trivia Night, and this year we’re hoping to get it right.

At this stage we’d usually say something about lots of fun, great prizes, bring a team or come by yourself etc, etc, but we’ve said all that fourteen times already, and some things just never change.

Thursday 5th December, 7:15 pm (or join us earlier for a meal), at The Clyde Hotel cnr Elgin & Cardigan Streets Carlton. (For those attending Skepticon, that’s near Carrillo Gantner Theatre, one stop away on the same tram line.)

(click to enlarge)

Skepticon 2019 – Messages from the presenters

Hear from and read about some of our presenters. CLICK on the main headings.

Skeptics’Guide to the Universe


BOB Novella VIDEO 


Susan Gerbic

Susan will be talking about the Guerilla Skeptics Wikipedia Project as well as “Grief Vampires“.

Jo Thornely

Jo is an Australian presenter that will be appearing at Skepticon2019. She is the host of Zealot, a podcast about cults, and author of a book by the same name.

Professor Fiona Fidler

Brendan O’Brien

Dr Brad McKay

Bookings and information:

SKEPTICON 2019 update

The Skepticon2019 speaker lineup now includes:

The Skeptics Guide to the Universe

Susan Gerbic

Jo Thornely

Professor Fiona Fidler: The Replication Crisis in the Social Sciences

Dr Sue Ieraci: Medical Anti-Science Bingo

Ross Balch: Of Microbes and Monsters

Dr Brad McKay: Home Remedies That Work?

Tina Hanigan: Should Darwin have been surprised at the spread of Skeptism in Europe following his publication ‘On the Origin of Species’?

Brendan O’Brien: The Explosion of Citizen Science

Matt Nurse: Motivated numeracy – why smart people reject the facts they don’t like

and “Australia’s Honest Con Man” Nicholas J Johnson: Bullshit For Skeptics

SKEPTICON 2019’s dedicated website for information and booking is at

Important SKEPTICON 2019 dates:

5th December: Skeptics Trivia Night at The Clyde Hotel. Hosted by Tony Pitman and Ken Greatorex, this is a fund-raiser, at $15 per head. It’s not strictly a Skepticon event, and not just for Skepticon visitors. However, with our regular locals and regional, interstate and overseas visitors participating, this fifteenth annual Vic Skeptics Trivia night should be fun. Meal from 6:00 pm, eyes down at 7:15.

6th December: Conference commencement and “meet and greet” at The Dan O’Connell Hotel.

7th December: Two Day conference commences at Carrillo Gantner Theatre, University of Melbourne Swanston Street

7th December: Conference Dinner (sold out!)

8th December: Final day of conference

With Leo at The Dan

By Ken Greatorex

Vic Skeptics recently moved Skeptics Café to the new venue of The Dan O’Connell Hotel (a.k.a. “The Dan”) in Carlton. We’ve been fortunate in the past with long tenures at good venues.

I arrived chez Dan with a few misgivings:

Could I park within a comfortable distance of the venue?

Would the venue suit us?

Would enough people turn up?

Would the topic be sufficiently relevant and interesting for such a “landmark” Skeptics event? View More With Leo at The Dan

For Schools: Darwin Day February 12


Celebrate February 12 (Charles Darwin’s Birthday) in your classroom!

charles_darwin_statue_natural_history_museum_londonCharles Darwin Crossword Years 9 to 12

Darwin Web Sites

Darwin Day poster

Darwin Day poster 2

Darwin bio Read and answer

Charles Darwin Wordsearch Years 5 to 8

Charles Darwin Cryptogram Years 7 to 10


charles_darwin_by_grichmond [Colouring in}

Complementary Medicines, Advertising Reform and the TGA

by Dr Ken Harvey, with an introduction by Ken Greatorex

To set the scene for those not familiar with the glacial machinations of Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration: Until recently in Australia we had a complaint process whereby if you wanted to complain about the advertising of a particular listed medicine, you submitted. to the Complaints Resolution Panel. It was woefully under resourced, but it did its job, carried out inquiries then reported established breaches in conduct to the TGA. The TGA acted – sometimes.

Then things changed. Against the urging of such groups as The Australian Skeptics, Friends of Science in Medicine, Choice and other consumer advocates, the TGA became the body which dealt directly with such complaints. 

As one who attended and absorbed the excellent review from Professor Harvey and three of his students, the result of this change has been:

  • totally predictable
  • disappointing


(left to right: Mal Vickers, Kithmini Cooray, Mary Malek, Ken Harvey)



The audience did not agree that the ongoing advertising of ‘Bright Brains’, illustrated by Kithmini, had achieved compliance with the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code 2015. In short, they disagreed with the TGA outcome statement about this complaint. View More Complementary Medicines, Advertising Reform and the TGA