May Puzzles

puzzles graphic

MAY 2015 SKEPTICAL CROSSWORD PUZZLE has General Skepticism as its theme and comes with a choice of standard or cryptic clues.

Here’s a set of MAY 2015 LOGIC & MATHS PROBLEMS

Your fresh monthly set of Picture Puzzles and “Mixed Bag” Questions are at the top of  the  PUZZLES PAGE

A new puzzles archive has been created.




PUZZLES ARCHIVE 4 (December 2012 to June 2013)

PUZZLES ARCHIVE 5 (July 2013 to September 2014)

PUZZLES ARCHIVE 6 (October 2014 to March 2015)


March Puzzles

The Scream by Edvard Munch, 1893The MARCH 2015 SKEPTICAL CROSSWORD makes a return to general Skeptical issues


 Fresh Picture Puzzles and Mixed Bag Questions have been posted to the top of the PUZZLES PAGE. Enjoy!

Darwin Day 2015: Events, Resources and Information

darwin youngThursday February 12 is the 206th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin.

Darwin Day is celebrated around the world  by Skeptics and fellow free-thinkers. Here is an article by Rosslyn Ives which discusses Darwin’s life, work and continuing importance.

In Melbourne this year you will have at least three opportunities to participate in Darwin Day-related  events.

On Tuesday February 10th there is a Darwin Day Barbecue & Lecture at the Unitarian Hall, 110 Grey Street East Melbourne VIC 3002; barbecue from 5pm, lecture 8pm.

On Thursday February 12th Skeptics, Humanists and Progressive Atheists invite you to a Darwin Day Barbecue in the Boat Shed area of Studley Park. Here is a poster for that event.

On Saturday February 14th Melbourne Freethinkers have a Picnic in the Park from 12 pm. Fitzroy Gardens, 230-298 Wellington Parade Melbourne 3002

Most of our teacher friends will already be familiar with Vic Skeptics’ Darwin Day Suite of classroom exercises. There’s something useful here for every year level from Primary to VCE.


February Puzzles

rubskepThe FEBRUARY 2015 SKEPTICAL CROSSWORD is our fourth crossword to take Logical Fallacies as its theme. Here are the earlier ones:





 Fresh Picture Puzzles and Mixed Bag Questions have been posted to the top of the PUZZLES PAGE.



January Puzzles

qskep * Our January 2015 SKEPTICAL CROSSWORD is, as usual, available in both standard and cryptic versions and has Chiropractic as its theme;

* here are the JANUARY 2015 LOGIC & MATHS PROBLEMS ;

* and new sets of PICTURE PUZZLES  and  “MIXED BAG” (trivia type) QUESTIONS have been placed at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE


Vale Steve Walker — magician and skeptic

(original article )

Australian Skeptics is greatly saddened to hear of the death of one of our staunchest supporters, Steve Walker, who died suddenly and far too early on Thursday, December 11.

Past Australian Skeptics president, Barry Williams, writes: “Steve was not only a talented magician, he was also one of those rare people who brightened up the lives of all those who came into contact with him. His use of humour was unsurpassed in making his performances a delight to all who witnessed them.

“The Skeptics owe him an incalculable debt, not only for the innumerable gigs he put on free of charge and which drew record crowds at our dinner functions – he performed at our very first convention in 1985 — but for all his many impromptu performances anywhere a few Skeptics were gathered together.

“Steve’s unfailing good humour did much to convince those who knew him that, despite the perception that some might have that Skeptics are a humourless crowd of despoilers of other peoples illusions, much enjoyment and fun can be gleaned from belonging to Australian Skeptics.

“We may never see Steve Walker’s like again, and we are much the poorer for his passing.”

Steve will also be missed in Victoria. He both presented and performed at the 2002 Melbourne Convention and was MC at the 2006 Melbourne Convention Dinner.

Photos from Auskeptcon14


Recommended – see these photos full screen mode on Flickr.

The photos in the above slide show are from the recent Australian Skeptics National Convention 2014, held in Sydney. A huge thanks to the Sydney based organisers with ASI, they did a fantastic job. The convention featured the likes of, Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, Dick Smith, George Hrab, Peter Fitzsimons, Michael Marshall, Dr Rachael Dunlop, Peter Hadfield, Dr Amanda Bauer, the entire Skeptics Guide to the Universe crew and most of the team from ABC’s consumer protection program, The Checkout. A full list of speakers can be found here. Heck – even James Randi dropped in for a cameo!

The convention was held at an excellent venue in The Concourse, Chatswood where everything ran perfectly.  Well done to all involved for an entertaining and inspiring convention.  We look forward to Brisbane next year.


An Atheist in the Army

by Roy Arnott

Roy Arnott is the Treasurer of Australian Skeptics Victorian Branch.(Vic)

Roy enlisted in the CMF (later the Australian Army Reserve) in 1959 retiring as a Warrant Officer Class 2 in 1996.

His civilian career was in the Australian Public Service, mainly in Defence related departments. In the latter years Roy transferred from Defence and his terminal posting with the APS was a six year term with the Australian National Audit Office.

No Religion

badgeIt started on Day 1. When I enlisted back in 1959, we got to the question on the form about religion. I said that I did not have any. The Attestation Officer said, “You have to be something, I will put down Church of England”. Later, when I knew a bit more about things than the average recruit, I had my file corrected to read “No Religion”.
The Army personnel system does not have a classification of “Atheist”.
I think the descriptor “No Religion” is fair enough. We do not need to coin a word for other non believers – in, for example, fairies, ghosts, or Easter Bunnies View More An Atheist in the Army

Happenings – October/November 2014

1. The Genesis II Church advertised a seminar at Clayton Community Centre from 14th to 16th of November at $500 per participant. The Church’s leader, Jim Humble promotes MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) as a cure for diseases such as Malaria, HIV, autism and Ebola. MMS contains bleaching agents – including sodium chlorite, chlorine dioxide and calcium hypochlorite.


These are seriously dangerous chemicals. A spokesperson for the Victorian Poisons Information Centre said a total of 10 people – with four needing further treatment at the hospital – had reported feeling ill after administering MMS with symptoms of vomiting and diarrhoea.

The Genesis II Church’s practices have already been the subject of joint FDA and ACCC investigations and legal action. View More Happenings – October/November 2014