Puzzles for June 2017

CROSSWORD with Religious Imagery as its theme.

June 2017 Skeptical Crossword Puzzle [HTML Version] OR https://skeptics.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/82-june-2017-crossword-religious-imagery.pdf [pdf Version]


June 2017 Logic & Maths Problems [HTML Version] OR https://skeptics.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/59-logic-and-maths-puzzles-june-2017.pdf [pdf Version]

PICTURE PUZZLES and “MIXED BAG” questions are at the top of the Puzzles Page


Skepticon 2017

Tickets are now available for Skepticon, the 33rd Australian Skeptics National Convention, November 2017

The Skeptical highlight of the year, our 33rd convention is being organised by Think Inc, and will be held on November 18-19, 2017, at the City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney.

This promises to be a great event, with speakers including: science media star Dr Karl; astronomer Prof Alan Duffy; YouTube super-debunker Captain Dissolution; comedian and MC Lawrence Leung; former naturopath and now critic of alt med Britt Hermes; doctor and TV personality Dr Brad McKay; award winning documentary maker Sonya Pemberton; Walkley award-winner journalist Kathy Marks; and doctor-cum-magician Dr Vyom Sharma.

More great speakers will be announced soon.

Tickets HERE

Puzzles for May 2017

Our Crossword this month is mainly about Conspiracy Theories.

May 2017 Skeptical Crossword Puzzle (HTML format)


81 May 2017 Crossword Conspiracy Theories (.pdf format).

There are ten new May 2017 Logic & Maths Problems (HTML format)


58 Logic and Maths Puzzles May 2017 for pdf (.pdf format);

with new Picture Puzzles and “Mixed Bag” questions at the top of the Puzzles Page


Puzzles for April 2017

Our Crossword this month has Paranormal Pastimes as its theme, and we return to a choice of standard or cryptic clues.

April 2017 Skeptical Crossword Puzzle (HTML format)


80 April 2017 Crossword Paranormal Pastimes (.pdf format).

There are ten new April 2017 Logic & Maths Problems (HTML format)


57 Logic and Maths Puzzles April 2017 for pdf (.pdf format);

and a new set of  seven Picture Puzzles and twenty “Mixed Bag” questions at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE


Puzzles for March 2017


Our Crossword this month is on General Skeptical Issues

March 2017 Skeptical Crossword Puzzle (HTML format)


79-mar-2017-crossword-general (.pdf format);

with ten new Logic & Maths Problems
March 2017 Logic & Maths Problems (HTML format)


56-logic-and-maths-puzzles-march-2017 (.pdf format);

and a new set of  Picture Puzzles and  “Mixed Bag” questions at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE


Science Talent Search

by Francesca Folk-Scolaro

 As a member of the Australian Skeptics, I was pleased that the Victorian Branch* was able to fund and so support the work of science teachers in Victorian schools.

sts16-21aThe staging of Science Talent Search 2016 at Latrobe University last 24th of October showed that the teaching and study of science are alive and well. The Australian Skeptics are proud to support the teachers and the schools in their important work.

This year, students from the following schools benefited from the $3,300 Australian Skeptics donation. View More Science Talent Search

Puzzles for February 2017

puzzles-for-februaryOur Crossword this month returns to the theme of homeopathy. 

February 2017 Skeptical Crossword [HTML]
78-feb-2017-crossword-homeopathy [pdf]

Other homeopathy-themed crosswords:




There are ten new Logic & Maths Problems
55-logic-and-maths-puzzles-february-2017 [pdf]

Seven new Picture Puzzles and twenty “Mixed Bag” (general knowledge / trivia) questions, are at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE


Australian Skeptic’s Guide to Numerology – Update

pay-937882_1280You may have noticed that we’ve been  updating and recycling our “Australian Skeptics Guide to ….” features. Usually we wait five years or more between reposts, but so much has happened recently that an update of the January 2016 update of An Australian Skeptic’s Guide to Numerology seems like a good idea. 

It takes into account the election of Donald Trump, the demotion of Sussan Ley, and the enthusiam for numerology displayed by Bollywood celebrities. Scroll down to January 2016, or go HERE

Puzzles For January 2017

jazzyruefulparsonJanuary 2017 Skeptical Crossword is about General Skeptical issues.

77-january-2017-crossword-general-skeptical-issues [.pdf form]

January 2017 Logic & Maths Problems 

54-logic-and-maths-puzzles-january-2017 [.pdf form] has ten new problems of varying degrees of difficulty

Seven new Picture Puzzles and twenty “Mixed Bag” (general knowledge / trivia) questions, are at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE

 Explore our Puzzles Archive View More Puzzles For January 2017