Here’s your skeptically-oriented crossword for August 2010.
(Click on the grid to enlarge and download it.)
1. Long poem [4]
4. Thought, concept [4]
8. Site of a famous Greek oracle [6]
12. A partly autonomous regulatory agency; “Quasi non-governmental organisation” [6]
13. Soft wet Earth [3]
14. Irrational ratio [2]
16. To make a nosy or presumptuous inquiry [3]
17. Incline, OR to maliciously or dishonestly distort or falsify [5]
19. AND 15 down. Florentine’s hell (two words, [6], [7])
21. Manifestation [6]
23. One who regularly provides information on likely winners in sporting events [7]
25. Studied bodily attitude; posture, OR to present oneself insincerely [4]
27. The “L” in L. Ron Hubbard [9]
29. Repeated sound [4]
30. Lizzie Borden was found not guilty of using this with malicious intent [3]
31. Steiner-related biological system usually associated with agriculture [11]
34. Preposition, often used to indicate derivation, origin, or source [2]
37. To overturn [7]
40. See 20 Down
42. Smidgin [3]
43. Island [4]
45. Theory devised by L.Ron Hubbard to explain human mental functions based on the concept of an engram [9]
47. Preposition, often used for expressing motion or direction [2]
48. Garland, wreath [3]
49. Preposition [2]
50. The line about which a rotating body turns [4]
51. What Pope Formosus was when put on trial [4]
52. High mountain [3]
53. Physically confined [5]
54. To exist or live [2]
55. Purported hypnotic-state journey to an earlier time or past life [10]
56. What a hypothesis wants to be when it grows up [6]
2. Group of whales [3]
3. Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl and she worked here [4]
4. Attempted measure of human intelligence (abb) [2]
5. Conned, fooled, deliberately misled [5]
6. Organs of hearing [4]
7. Adjective; One, some, every, or all without specification [3]
8. Perform, achieve [2]
9. Legume [3]
10. Chant [6]
11. Comprehending the needs, feelings, problems, and views of others [10]
15. See 19 across
18. Jumped, bounded, OR acted impulsively [5]
19. Undresses [8]
20. AND 40 across; First Aussie saint? (Two words [4], [9])
22. Roll call or roster of names or duties [4]
24. Originator of Homeopathy [9]
26. AND 46 Down; John Lennon’s derogatory name for the Maharishi (two words, [4], [5])
28. Purpose, intent [3]
32. A slight hint or notion; a vague understanding [7]
33. Our sun [3]
35. Fishing lure [3]
36. Resist or contend against [6]
38. Sombre, grave, unadorned, ascetic [7]
39. Plural of “band about 8° to either side of the ecliptic that represents the path of the planets, moon, and sun“. [7]
41. Soft drink [3]
42. Capital city of Taiwan [6]
44. Mormon Priesthood title [5]
46. See 26 down
47. Rome’s river [5]
53. Usually metal, typically cylindrical container [3]
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