Suddenly the Vic Skeptics blog has got bigger, though you probably haven’t noticed. We’ve gone from 80 posts to 220. Our old “keypoint” site will eventually be shut down. Ahead of that, rather than dump the old stuff, a big effort has gone into moving it from the old site to this one.
If you have a little spare time and feel like reading some re-born old posts try these:
How to make your own bed of nails
Homeopathy for Pets???
How to put together a class exercise on astrology, if you’re a teacher
Saddened by Channel Ten’s screening of Sensing Murder (from 2006)
Also on the same subject “Sensing Nothing” by Christopher Short.
Dr John Long spoke to the Victorian Skeptics in 2005
An embarrassing question on a psychology exam
Skeptical people photographs from events in 2004
Moon Landings Hoax or not?
And if you’re really keen, you could click “previous entries” (at the bottom of the home page) over and over to skim through everything back to the beginning of time….well….2004.
The oldest post is an events calendar posted in January 2004.
Just for the fun of it, we’ve also added and old Newsletter from April 2003, remember those? Photocopied sheets of A4 paper mailed out to you in stamped envelopes – remember now?
Oh…. and sorry to all those who subscribe to the RSS feed, yes it’s been going nuts of late. Things should return to normal soon.
Many thanks go to Chris Guest for the serious under the blog bonnet work.
Skeptics Café
Victorian skeptics social & virtual events