19 January
Skeptics Cafe Speaker: Margaret Kittson Brain Gym?
Around 12 February
16 February
Skeptics Cafe Speaker: Darren Freeman Curing the Incurable: We can’t do It so Neither can You
16 March
Skeptics Cafe Speaker: Chris Krishna-Pillay The Use of Performance in Science Education and Communication
20 April
Skeptics Cafe Speaker: Ian Robinson : Topic TBA
19 May
Skeptics Cafe ”Fifth Annual Skeptics Trivia Extravaganza”
15 June
Skeptics Cafe Speaker: Professor Dick Gunstone: Why Creationism Has no Place in Science Education
20 July
Skeptics Cafe Speaker: Dr Andrew Prentice. (Melbourne Mathematician and Astronomer).
14 August
A National Science Week 2009 Event: Vic Skeptics and Young Australian Skeptics at Hypothesis from 5pm – 10pm MA15+ BMW Edge Federation Square
17 August
Skeptics Cafe Speaker: Peter Bowditch: The Antivaccination Lobby
22&23 August
National Science Week 2009 Event: Vic Skeptics at Scienceworks Spotswood
21 September
A Skeptics Cafe Speaker: Trevor Hand: Presentation of meteorite and fossil evidence for Deep time and biological evolution.
19 October
Skeptics Cafe Video Night
16 November
Skeptics Cafe Speaker: Steve Roberts: Astronomical Hoaxes
21 December
Skeptics Cafe Social Evening
Skeptics Café
Victorian skeptics social & virtual events