Month: December 2006
National Convention Hobart 2007
The 2007 National Skeptics Convention will be held in Hobart on 17/18 November 2007 . The venue will be the University of Tasmania . Meals will be provided by the University Staff Club.
The conference theme is:
“The Use and Abuse of Scientific Data in the Environment Debate”
The theme will be interpreted very broadly, but will encompass virtually any issue concerned with human ecology and the environment generally. So it is about as broad a theme as could be imagined.
We would like to know of any people who might wish to provide a paper at the conference. Any suggestions or questions welcome. Please write to: Phone: 03 6234 4731 or 0419 341 585.
Costs will be announced in early 2007, when the matter becomes clearer. We expect that it will be no more than that charged for the excellent Melbourne convention in 2006.
An innovation is that we will permit full-time students View More National Convention Hobart 2007
Science Issues Cafe
The Victorian Skeptics have received notification about this brand new science group. It certainly sounds very interesting and meets not far from our Skeptics Cafe location.
SCIENCE ISSUES CAFE is a monthly discussion group which allows lay people to get together and hear about the latest research or discuss the big issues in science today.
It seems people are willing to express passionate opinions on a range of scientific subjects (global warming is just one example) so I thought it would be good to look at the science behind the policies, and some of the debates within science.
Kaye Hargreaves Convener Science Issues Cafe View More Science Issues Cafe