Puzzles for April 2017

Our Crossword this month has Paranormal Pastimes as its theme, and we return to a choice of standard or cryptic clues.

April 2017 Skeptical Crossword Puzzle (HTML format)


80 April 2017 Crossword Paranormal Pastimes (.pdf format).

There are ten new April 2017 Logic & Maths Problems (HTML format)


57 Logic and Maths Puzzles April 2017 for pdf (.pdf format);

and a new set of  seven Picture Puzzles and twenty “Mixed Bag” questions at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE


Puzzles for March 2017


Our Crossword this month is on General Skeptical Issues

March 2017 Skeptical Crossword Puzzle (HTML format)


79-mar-2017-crossword-general (.pdf format);

with ten new Logic & Maths Problems
March 2017 Logic & Maths Problems (HTML format)


56-logic-and-maths-puzzles-march-2017 (.pdf format);

and a new set of  Picture Puzzles and  “Mixed Bag” questions at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE


Puzzles For January 2017

jazzyruefulparsonJanuary 2017 Skeptical Crossword is about General Skeptical issues.

77-january-2017-crossword-general-skeptical-issues [.pdf form]

January 2017 Logic & Maths Problems 

54-logic-and-maths-puzzles-january-2017 [.pdf form] has ten new problems of varying degrees of difficulty

Seven new Picture Puzzles and twenty “Mixed Bag” (general knowledge / trivia) questions, are at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE

 Explore our Puzzles Archive View More Puzzles For January 2017

New Puzzles For September

You’ll find a new lot of Picture Puzzles and “Mixed Bag” Questions  in the PUZZLES PAGE ;

September 2016 Skeptical Crossword Puzzle is about general skeptical issues;

while the September 2016 Logic & Maths Problems feature dice, cats, cigarette butts, photo albums and a ring around the Earth.


February Puzzles


This month’s CROSSWORD is about Frauds and Scams.
There’s a new set of LOGIC & MATHS PROBLEMS, While a fresh monthly injection of PICTURE PUZZLES and “MIXED BAG QUESTIONS” can be found at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE.

An Australian Skeptic’s Guide to Numerology

This article first appeared as a Vic Skeptics discussion pamphlet;
(See the “Useful Info” link at the top of this page.) A version also appeared on this site in 2010. However, we’ve had a few celebrities come and go since then, including several Australian Prime Ministers; so an update seems indicated.

People are all different, with different personalities, talents and desires. Numerology probably harks back to pre-Christian Hebrew mystic writing. That’s not surprising, as back then, the first letter of their alphabet also stood for the number one, and so on. View More An Australian Skeptic’s Guide to Numerology

November Puzzles


"What's 4 Across?"
“What’s 4 Across?”


NOVEMBER 2014 SKEPTICAL CROSSWORD, with the emphasis on Frauds and Scams can be solved using either the standard or the cryptic clues provided.

Breaking News! The FSM has revealed that occasional access to Google and/or the Dictionary (UK rather than US edition) by His Cruciverbal Faithful will not incur His noodly wrath.

A new set of NOVEMBER 2014 LOGIC & MATHS PUZZLES is available.

New Picture Puzzles and “Mixed Bag” Questions have been posted at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE






PUZZLES ARCHIVE 4 (December 2012 to June 2013)

PUZZLES ARCHIVE 5 (July 2013 to September 2014)

Latest info on local groups


We’ll lead off with the excellent news that after a twelve-month recess, Peninsula Skeptics are re-starting: on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 7:00 PM. The venue is The Peninsula Club, Gibson Street Dromana.

The Peninsula Club

Your convenor Graeme Hanigan says: The night will be primarily social, perhaps a round table suggestion of topics for the future. Please go to the MEETUP GROUP to read more and to RSVP.

Graeme is also keen for Peninsula Skeptics to be involved in Science Week (mid August) and is looking for suggestions and ideas on some of the best ways to achieve this.


are travelling nicely with our regular Skeptics Café at La Notte Restaurant, 140 Lygon Street Carlton.

The next event is on Monday 20th May, where Ken Greatorex will host our Ninth Annual Trivia Extravaganza.


Please join us (with a team of up to six people, or just by yourself) for a meal at 6pm, with the Trivia starting at 7:30 pm. See our EVENTS page for details of Skeptics Cafés well into the future.

View More Latest info on local groups

Bigger blog

Suddenly the Vic Skeptics blog has got bigger, though you probably haven’t noticed.  We’ve gone from 80 posts to 220.  Our old “keypoint” site will eventually be shut down.  Ahead of that, rather than dump the old stuff, a big effort has gone into moving it from the old site to this one.
If you have a little spare time and feel like reading some re-born old posts try these:
How to make your own bed of nails
Homeopathy for Pets???
How to put together a class exercise on astrology, if you’re a teacher
Saddened by Channel Ten’s screening of Sensing Murder (from 2006)
Also on the same subject “Sensing Nothing” by Christopher Short.
Dr John Long spoke to the Victorian Skeptics in 2005
An embarrassing question on a psychology exam
View More Bigger blog

Trivia Night, May 2010

On Monday night the Victorian Skeptics ran their annual Trivia Night.
Many thanks to Ken for all the work he did … collating questions, getting prizes, putting the audio of the horse race together, lugging all the equipment, etc, etc…
As usual, the questions were of a skeptical / scientific bent. They ranged from dowsing the location of “Mystic Park” on a map of Victoria, to identifying anti-vax crusader Meryl Dorey from a fuzzy photo.
One of the highlights of the evening was the running of the Alternative Handicap, which is well worth a listen.

Or download

In the end, the award for Most Trivial Team went to….
View More Trivia Night, May 2010