August Puzzles


* There are new Picture Puzzles and “Mixed Bag” (trivia-type) Questions at the top of our PUZZLES PAGE.

* Here is the AUGUST 2014 SKEPTICAL CROSSWORD. The theme this month is Religion. As usual, you can choose whether to use the standard clues 0r the cryptic  clues to solve it.

* Here are the AUGUST 2014 LOGIC & MATHS PUZZLES


April Puzzles

New Puzzles for March and April 2013 can be found at the top of the PUZZLE PAGE. They include a Picture Puzzle, Skeptical Crossword,  “Mixed Bag” set and Logic and Maths Puzzles for each month.

All of our previous puzzles are still available!

PUZZLES ARCHIVE 1 (August 2010 to April 2011)

PUZZLES ARCHIVE 2 (May 2011 to October 2011)

PUZZLES ARCHIVE 3 (October 2011 to November 2012)

PUZZLES ARCHIVE 4 (December 2012 to March 2013)