Darwin Day – Update

It’s now too late to announce that the annual Melbourne Darwin Day picnic has been cancelled due to the Victorian government’s decision to impose a five-day lock-down to counter a small but worrying spike in Covid-19 infections.

Bummer. It’s a high point in our social calendar, and many of us were looking forward to it and planning to attend.

So obviously, all that remains is:

(a) to CONGRATULATE the Victorian government in following the Science. Darwin would have been proud.

(b) to do a bit of value-adding to our virtual Darwin Day.

Here’s a presentation about Charles Darwin by Tina Hanigan at Skepticon 2019.

Here is an hour’s worth of interviews recorded by Adam Ford of attendees at a recent Darwin Day.

For Schools: Darwin Day February 12


Celebrate February 12 (Charles Darwin’s Birthday) in your classroom!

charles_darwin_statue_natural_history_museum_londonCharles Darwin Crossword Years 9 to 12

Darwin Web Sites

Darwin Day poster

Darwin Day poster 2

Darwin bio Read and answer

Charles Darwin Wordsearch Years 5 to 8

Charles Darwin Cryptogram Years 7 to 10


charles_darwin_by_grichmond [Colouring in}

The Great Debate: Evolution vs Creationism

This article first appeared as a Vic Skeptics discussion pamphlet and was first posted here in March 2011.

With Charles Darwin’s impending 208th birthday on February 12 it seems appropriate to revisit it.


One of the many amazing stories in the Bible is the story of The Great Flood.

Before The Great Flood Noah was commanded by his God to build an ark (a large boat) and to collect a pair of all the animals on Earth. The Great Flood wiped out all the other animals, including humans, and those on Noah’s Ark repopulated the Earth after the flood subsided.

Given our present knowledge of evolution, genetics, geology, physics and archeology, few people, even practising Christians, believe the story to be literally true. However there are some people who insist that all the Bible stories are literally true. As well as the story of Noah’s Ark they also believe that:

 The Earth and all living things on it were created in six 24-hour days.

 This occurred about 10,000 years ago.

 All present day animals are descended from those on Noah’s Ark.

 The theory of evolution is incorrect because it is not consistent with the Bible stories.

These are the fundamental beliefs of Creationism. But why are the religious beliefs of Creationists of concern to scientists? Does it matter if people’s religious beliefs are in disagreement with scientific knowledge?

View More The Great Debate: Evolution vs Creationism

For the Classroom

Untitled Capture-03Vic Skeptics produces original classroom material, which we make available free.
It’s mainly aimed at Science teaching and learning, but it serves a wide range of topics and age groups.

We invite you to look over and sample our down-loadable .pdfs, which include:

  • A Skeptics Guide to ……  discussion sheets
  • Crosswords (blackline masters)
  • Wordsearches and quizzes (blackline masters)
  • Cryptograms (blackline masters)
  • The Darwin Day Suite of classroom exercises

Go HERE or click on the USEFUL INFO tab at the top of the page

Darwin Day 2015: Events, Resources and Information

darwin youngThursday February 12 is the 206th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin.

Darwin Day is celebrated around the world  by Skeptics and fellow free-thinkers. Here is an article by Rosslyn Ives which discusses Darwin’s life, work and continuing importance.


In Melbourne this year you will have at least three opportunities to participate in Darwin Day-related  events.

On Tuesday February 10th there is a Darwin Day Barbecue & Lecture at the Unitarian Hall, 110 Grey Street East Melbourne VIC 3002; barbecue from 5pm, lecture 8pm.

On Thursday February 12th Skeptics, Humanists and Progressive Atheists invite you to a Darwin Day Barbecue in the Boat Shed area of Studley Park. Here is a poster for that event.  https://skeptics.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/melbddposter2015.jpg

On Saturday February 14th Melbourne Freethinkers have a Picnic in the Park from 12 pm. Fitzroy Gardens, 230-298 Wellington Parade Melbourne 3002

Most of our teacher friends will already be familiar with Vic Skeptics’ Darwin Day Suite of classroom exercises. There’s something useful here for every year level from Primary to VCE. https://skeptics.cafe/for-sale/stuff-for-teachers-education-resources/darwin-day-february-12-classroom-suite-of-exercises/