Mark Mayer and Alison Dubious

(Text Version)
Australian Skeptics Present Mark Mayer Alison Dubious- Criminal Profiler, Research Medium OR Medium Criminal With a Profile?
Monday 21st August La Notte Restaurant 140 Lygon Street Carlton 8pm (meal from 6pm) (Gold Coin Donation)
More about Mark Mayer: (Go to this page For the Press and scroll down)
Allison DuBois is an American psychic on whom the “true life” tv show “Medium” is loosely based. Allison DuBois has claimed to have helped the Texas Rangers and Arizona police solve crimes but both organisations claim to have never used psychics. (See )

Skeptics Cafe

Come along on and have a friendly meal with the Victorian Skeptics and chat about life, the universe, everything.

Details: 3rd Monday of every month, from 6pm; all welcome
Talk or other event at 8pm unless otherwise advised
Meals and drinks available from the restaurant
Venue: La Notte Cafe, 140 Lygon Street, Carlton, Melbourne, Australia. ( East side of Lygon Street between Pelham and Queensberry Streets)

See Calendar for dates.

Convention Accommodation, 2006

The 2006 Australian Skeptics convention will be held at the Melbourne Museum on Nicholson St. near the city. It is walking distance from the Parliament or Melbourne Central Train Station. It is walking distance from the City Circle Tram and on the #34, 36 and 96 tram stop at Nicholson and Gertrude Street.
Any accommodation that you may find that has easy access to public transport will make your access to the museum quick and easy. The following url gives map descriptions of the Melbourne public transport system.
For fares information you can follow this:
If you have any questions or need assistance View More Convention Accommodation, 2006

Sensing Murder

(See also: Sensing Nothing (SM Review), Murders and Clairvoyants, Fake psychics use Cold Reading, Win $110,000 Paranormal Prize Money!)

The Australian Skeptics are saddened to see that Channel 10 has decided to screen “Sensing Murder“, a series in which self-proclaimed psychics attempt to solve unsolved murders. This is an insult as psychics have never solved a crime and families of victims have reported the stress of being pestered by useless “psychics” with a fountain of false leads. (See article Murders and Clairvoyants) On the show, the psychics veer between “discovering” commonly known details, and providing useless “leads” for details that can never be checked on. It’s clear the “Sensing Murder” crew also provides them with some details, although we’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they don’t tell everything. When the psychics “find” crime scenes, it’s not hidden that the crew drives them there and then guides them to the precise location.
Much is made of the psychics’ useless ability to relate already known facts about the case without being told them. Sure, this could look good at a carnival, but the show’s supposed to be about discovering new information! Fake psychics can use their common sense and Cold Reading to find already-known information. They might also View More Sensing Murder

Calendar 2006

To receive notification of upcoming Victorian Skeptics events, send an email to All events are open to the general public. Most of our events are based in and around Melbourne. (Events will get added to this list through the year as we organise them.)


(!!OTHERS!! = events organised by or with other groups)

10 January !!OTHERS!! Atheist Get together
16 January Skeptics Cafe
14 February !!OTHERS!!Can Psychics Solve Murders?” (Atheist Soc)
20 February Skeptics Cafe – The Soapbox
20 March Skeptics Cafe – Trivia Night
17 April Skeptics Cafe – Social Evening
15 May Talk: Steve Roberts UFOs – An Unusual Ally
19 June Skeptics Cafe
17 July Skeptics Cafe Dr John Perkins Is there too much religion in politics?
12,13,19 and 20 August Australian Skeptics at ScienceWorks
21 August Talk: Mark Mayer – A Magician vs TV show Medium
18 September Skeptics Cafe Bob Aikenhead, President Science Teachers Association of Victoria: Initiatives for Improving Science Education in the State of Victoria
16 October Skeptics Cafe Dr Neil Thomason, History & Philosophy of Science, Melbourne Uni; Should We Be Skeptical About Scientists?
30 October Science Talent Search Exhibition and Awards Day, Latrobe University
18-19 November Australian Skeptics 2006 Convention – Melbourne
18 November Inaugural Skeptics Awards Dinner, Windsor Hotel, Melbourne
19 November Free TalkThe Fossil Record – What Gaps?” Dr John Long – see Convention Program
20 November Skeptics Cafe – “Towards a Nuclear FutureDr Colin Keay
18 December Skeptics Cafe Social Night

There are other Victorian organisations of interest that regularly have Public Events (Other) Previous events: Calendar 2005, Calendar 2004 Extra keywords: sceptics

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