(click to enlarge)

           1. One who opposes the veneration of images [10]
           6. (slang) Any alcoholic drink [6]
           9. Being the first in time or history [6]
         10. Medicine of no real benefit which nevertheless makes people feel better [7]
         11. Not specifically religious [7]
         14. Valve that regulates the supply of fuel-air mixture to an engine [8]
         16. Small brightly coloured freshwater duck [4]
         17. Belief held to be absolutely true though without evidence to support it [5]
         19. Decay or decompose [3]
         22. This saint of doubtful provenance launched a billion greeting cards [9]
         24. Microprocessor [4]
         26. Compensate, recompense, remunerate [3]
         28. Horticultural implement [3]
         29. Tuberculosis (abb) [2]
         31. Underwater breathing gear [5]
         34. Spiritual technique of Japanese origin, commonly called palm healing [5]
         35. Former respectful address for a European man in colonial India [5]
         39. Peninsula between the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan [5]
         42. To plan together secretly to commit an illegal or wrongful act [8]
         44. A resort area having mineral springs [3]
         46. Christian edifice [6]
         47. Converts hide into leather [4]  
         48. Cup-shaped musical instrument emitting a metallic tone when struck [4]
         49. North-American native deity or spirit [7]
         50. Common acid/base indicator [6]
         51. A point in space-time at which matter has infinite density and infinitesimal volume, and space and time are infinitely distorted [9]
           2. “Christ-carrier” saint [11]
           3. Prophetic [8]
           4. Common analgesic [7]
           5. Pamphlet [5]
           6. Complete a sporting match with the same score as a competitor [3]
           7. Relating to artificial body parts [10]
           8. Skeptic’s Holy Grail? [8]
         12. Electroencephalogram (abb) [3]
         13  Eccentric or multiply curved wheel mounted on a rotating shaft [3]
         15. Ancient characters in Northern European inscriptions. [5]
         18. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence [5]
         20. Inconvenient thirteenth sign for Astrologers [9]
         21. Eastern religion: basic, eternal universal principle that transcends reality [3]
         23. Pen point [3]
         25 and 45 down. The Bad Astronomer (Two words [4], [5])
         27. The affirmative [3]
         30. Atoll; swimsuit [6]
         32. An authoritative order or decree; an edict [5]
         33. Relating to the ear [5]
         36. To refrain from something by one’s own choice [7]
         37. Any of a number of British youth correctional institutions [7]
         38. Relating to the supernatural [6]
         40. “With Regard To” (abb) [2]
         41. Religious sects considered by the mainstream to be extremist or false [5]
         43. Greek god of woods, fields, and flocks [3]
         45. See 25 down
         48. Rough or prickly envelope of a fruit [4]

Solution here:  https://skeptics.cafe/puzzles/february-2011-crossword-solution/

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