Puzzles archive 2 

MAY 2011 to OCTOBER 2011

October 2011 Crossword


October 2011 Picture Puzzles

Each of the following seven puzzles decodes to a word, phrase, song title, book, or film.


October 2011 “Mixed Bag”Questions”

1. Inside each set of the following words, there are a pair of smaller words. By putting “&” between them, you’ll make a familiar phrase.
For example, “Thighbone/Swallowtail” conceals “High & Low.”
a. Skyrocketing/Trolleyman
b. Thermometer/Apoplexy
c. Delaware/Bordering
d. Surprised/Trashiness
e. Throughout/Stumblebum

2. What king can you make if you take
the head of a lamb
the middle of a pig
the hind of a buffalo
and the tail of a dragon?

3. Which Australian won all four tennis Grand Slams in both 1962 and 1969?

4. Kiss Me Kate is a musical adaptation of which Shakespearian play?

5. Which three states of Australia have a post-code for Hill End?

6. What dubious record is held by the Lockheed Starfighter F104 aircraft?

7. Which international airport in the Southern Hemisphere has the designation AKL?

8. Which European country is the home of fado music?

9. In what year?
• Jimi Hendrix died
• Soviet author Alexander Solzhenitsyn was awarded Nobel Prize for Literature.
• Fiji gained its independence
• Divorce became legal in Italy

10. Who said; “TV has brought murder back into the home, where it belongs”?


September 2011 Picture Puzzles

Each of the following seven puzzles decodes to a word, phrase, song title, book, or film.

Answers here: https://skeptics.cafe/puzzles/picture-puzzles-september-2011-answers/

September 2011 “Mixed Bag”Questions”

1. The blanks in the following sentences will be filled in with three different homonyms (words that are spelled differently but sound alike) to make valid sentences. The dashes indicate the number of letters in the words. Can you fill in the blanks?
a. The cut on his _ _ _ _ won’t _ _ _ _ in time for the race, so _ _ ‘_ _ have to drop out.
b. I couldn’t _ _ _ _ _ any of the _ _ _ _ _ _ in the flower shop, because for some strange reason I had 50 _ _ _ _ _ crammed up my nose.
c. A greedy pirate will wander the _ _ _ _ and essentially _ _ _ _ _ everything he _ _ _ _.

2. A riddle: What Am I?
I live above a star, and yet I never burn,
I have eleven neighbours, and yet none of them turn,
I am visited in sequence, first, last or in between,
PRS (& sometimes Q) are my initials,
now tell me what I mean.

3. What are drupes and pomes?

4. What kind of animal was Clarence in the film Daktari, and what was his particular physical peculiarity?

5. Who was the first aboriginal to captain and coach the Australian Rugby League team?

6. Which youth in Greek mythology was killed by a boar, and whose name often is used to denote a very handsome young man?

7. What word means “hit heavily and repeatedly”, “a place of detention for goods or animals”, and “a unit of currency”?

8. Who Am I?
I was born in Sydney Australia in 1956.
I won three gold medals, one silver and one bronze at the Munich Olympics.
I won all three gold medals in world record time, a feat that no other swimmer has ever duplicated.
I then promptly retired from competition at the age of sixteen.

9. Which population centre of nearly 2 million, starting with “L” lies on both sides of the border between France and Belgium?

10. In the 1960s, Were Pan’s People singers, dancers, a mystery cult or a terrorist cell?

Answers here: https://skeptics.cafe/puzzles/mixed-bag-september-2001-answers/

August 2011 Picture Puzzles

Each of the following seven puzzles decodes to a word, phrase, song title, book, or film.

Answers here: https://skeptics.cafe/puzzles/august-2011-picture-puzzles-answers/

August 2011 “Mixed Bag”Questions”

1. Using real names to make common words, name the offspring: Example: Mr and Mrs Voyant – Clare (as in Clairvoyant)

a. Mr and Mrs Tress

b. Mr and Mrs Nasium

c. Mr and Mrs Tate

d. Mr and Mrs Anthemum

e. Mr and Mrs Mander

f. Mr and Mrs Mite

g. Mr and Mrs Time

2. A sundial is a timepiece that has the fewest number of moving parts. Which timepiece has the most moving parts?

3. Which sportsman was the first aboriginal Australian of the Year in 1968?

4. What article of clothing was Paul McCartney not wearing on the Abbey Road LP cover, and what strange rumour did this spark?

5. There were three Australian Prime Ministers with surnames beginning with “M” between 1952 and 1972. Name them.

6. Where did mothers-in-law come on Mark Twain’s list of 27 things to rescue in a fire?

7. In which sport did one-time Prime Minister Edward Heath captain the British team?

8. Name the odd one out: Oklahoma, South Pacific, My Fair Lady, The Sound of Music

9. Were bathing caps originally designed to prevent: baldness, scalp irritation or clogged drains?

10. Write an anagram for the word “salient”

Answers here: https://skeptics.cafe/puzzles/mixed-bag-august-2011-answers/

July 2011 Picture Puzzles

Answers here: https://skeptics.cafe/puzzles/july-2011-picture-puzzles-answers/

July 2011 “Mixed Bag” Questions

1. What is the sum of the numbers on a clock face?

2. Using only strings of consecutive letters and going only in a clockwise direction, find the names of 10 animals in this ring.

3. Write an anagram for the word “ancestries”.

4. If in Australia you’re “flat out as a lizard drinking” you are what?

A. Really thirsty B. Really tired C. Really busy

5. What company introduced the Walkman in 1979?

6. In Russia, what is the Duma?

7. Which group had the hit Get It On in 1971?

8. On the 6th August in what year was the first recorded loop-the loop of an aircraft?

9. a. Which of the Dr Whos married his TV female sidekick in real life?

b. What was that actress’s name?

c. Who is she married to now?

10. Why did composer Mikis Theodorakis, composer of Zorba the Greek not have any hits between 1967 and 1970?

Answers here: https://skeptics.cafe/puzzles/mixed-bag-july-2011-answers/

June 2011 Picture Puzzles:

Each of the following puzzles decodes to a common word, phrase, book, song or film title.

Answers: https://skeptics.cafe/puzzles/june-picture-puzzles-answers/

June 2011 Mixed Bag Questions

1. Each pair of hints below relates to two words. One of the words is the other one spelled backward. What are the ten word pairs?
Example: married, moisture
Answer: wed, dew
a. light source, rodents
b. retain, sneaking look
c. weapons, tight fit
d. portion, catching device
e. prize, furniture compartment

a. When do you start on red and stop on green?
b. What is bigger when it is put upside down?
c. Always old, sometimes new. Never sad, sometimes blue. Never empty, sometimes full. Never pushing, always pulling. What am I?

3. Which group did Mick Taylor leave in 1975?

4. In which continent is The Great Rift Valley?

5. Which explorer circumnavigated Australia in a small boat with his cat “Trim”?

6. What four letter word means “shredded tobacco”, “a carpet-making material”, and “a cormorant – like seabird”?

7. What is the common name for the condition of hyperopia?

8. “CAT” is spelled Charlie Abel Tango in the phonetic alphabet. Spell “HUG” using the phonetic alphabet

9. What is both a kind of card used in stationery and an Asian capital?

10. Who progressed from playing Nordberg in The Naked Gun comedy movies to a long running drama of his own?

Answers: https://skeptics.cafe/puzzles/mixed-bag-june-2011-answers/

May 2011 Picture Puzzles:

Each of the following puzzles decodes to a common word, phrase, book, song or film title.

answers here: https://skeptics.cafe/puzzles/may-picture-puzzles-answers/

May 2011 Mixed Bag Questions
1. Below is a list of Australia’s national, state and Territory capitals. A second list consists of suburbs of each of those capitals, not in necessarily in the correct order. Match each capital city to its suburb .

Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Hobart, Darwin

Palmerston, Hindmarsh, Indroopilly, Dallas, Ultimo, Sandy Bay, Burswood, Tuggeranong

2. Cross-word clues:

a. _ O _ S _ _ _ D “Asymmetrical” (8 letters)

b. _ _ M A _ _ _ T _ _ N “Division between different modes of employment” (11 letters)

c. _ _ _ P _ _ _ O N “A Fool” 9 letters

d. U _ _ E _ _ _ _ _ E “To financially indemnify a given venture” (10 letters)

e. _ I _ A C _ _ _ _ “Live, animated, spritely” (9 letters)

f. _ R E _ _ _ _ “To adorn with garlands of flowers” (7 letters)

3. What sport is an anagram of lithe acts” ?

4. Was the discus thrown by Greek athletes in the original Olympic Games made of bronze, wood or leather?

5. You’ve just purchased your first new home. When you arrive to beginning moving in, you discover that the builder forgot something. Being a self-reliant sort of person, you decide to finish the job yourself. You stroll down to the local hardware store and find exactly what you need at a price you can afford. The hardware store charges perfectly reasonable prices for the items; 7 will cost $1.00, 10 will cost $2.00, and 100 will cost $3.00. As it happens, you need 880, which also costs $3.00.
These items could likely be found at any hardware store, and at your average home.
What did the builder forget?

6. Who is the patron saint of the city of London?

7. Why was the town of Hell, Michigan, in the news in late 1995 and early 1996?

8. There are two lists below. Match each best-selling author in the first list to a title by that author in the second list.

Dan Brown, Bryce Courtenay, Colleen McCullough, John Le Carré, Michael Dobbs, Douglas Addams, John Grisham, Steven King

To Play the King, The Shining, Angels and Demons, The Pelican Brief, Smiley’s People, The Potato Factory, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul, Tim

9. The stadium used for the French Tennis Open is the Roland Garros stadium. For what was Roland Garros mainly famous?

10. Who was the last of the original five Marx Brothers in alphabetical order?

Answers here: https://skeptics.cafe/puzzles/mixed-bag-may-2011-answers/





PUZZLES ARCHIVE 4 (December 2012 to June 2013)

PUZZLES ARCHIVE 5 (July 2013 to September 2014)

PUZZLES ARCHIVE 6 (October 2014 to December 2015)

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