Cold Reading

Have you ever bought something that you didn’t really want, because the salesperson was so nice, so persuasive, so helpful? Chances are that the salesperson (whether they knew it or not) was using some of the techniques of a skilled Cold Reader.

What Is Cold Reading?

Cold Reading‘ is a term invented by stage magicians. It refers to psychological techniques used by certain people to influence the beliefs and behaviour of other people.
The term was coined back in the days of live variety theatre and carnival side-shows to distinguish it from ‘Hot Reading‘, where the magician or mystic used bits of specific information that they already had, but pretended that they were discovering for the very first time. A good Cold Reader needs no such prior knowledge.
You’ll find Cold Readers well represented View More Cold Reading

Intelligent Design Debate

Public Debate

Sponsored by the Philosophy Department, University of Melbourne in association with the Rationalist Society of Australia and Creation Research

Date: Thursday August 2

Time: 7:00 pm

Topic: That the universe was created by an intelligent designer.

Venue: Public Lecture Theatre, Old Arts Building, University of Melbourne.

Chair: Prof Graham Priest

Speakers For: John Mackay, Craig Hawkins Speakers Against: Ian Robinson, John Perkins

Format: Speaker 1 for 15 mins Speaker 1 against 15 mins Speaker 2 for 15 mins Speaker 2 against 15 mins Questions from floor 30 mins Speaker against sums up 10 mins (no new material) Speaker for sums up 10 mins (no new material)

Admission Free Parking is available in the underground car park for $5 (coins only) Enter from Grattan Street

Carlo Kopp

The Electromagnetic Bomb – a Weapon of Electrical Mass Destruction
High Power Electromagnetic Pulse generation techniques and High Power Microwave technology have matured to the point where practical E-bombs (Electromagnetic bombs) are becoming technically feasible, with new applications in both Strategic and Tactical Information Warfare. The development of conventional E-bomb devices allows their use in non-nuclear confrontations. Dr Kopp will discuss aspects of the technology base, weapon delivery techniques and propose a doctrinal foundation for the use of such devices in warhead and bomb applications.

Richard Saunders

Well-known Sydney personality Richard Saunders was born in Kurri Kurri NSW and now just loves to eat it. He is known far and wide as an international author and origami expert with 30 books published. Richard enjoyed his time as President and is now the Technology Consultant for the Skeptic.
Richard was awarded Life Membership of Australian Skeptics in 2001 for his work on The Great Skeptic CD and since then he has created the Great Skeptic CD2, the Great Water Divining DVD and video, created the Skeptics online shop, designed the “card carrying skeptic card“, designed and created the “2005 Babes of Skepticism Calendar“, founded “Sydney Skeptics in the Pub“, initiated “The Skeptic Tank” radio show, produced the Australian Skeptics collection on TV”s “Theories of Everything” and created several of the Skeptics convention DVDs.
Richard delights in investigations, teaching critical thinking to school students and uncovering quackery.

Fossil Findings

Fossil findings, news and controversy

Interested in the latest and greatest from the world of palaeontology?  

Fossilised Janjucetus skull
Source: Museum Victoria Photographer: Rodney Start
Join museum experts on a tour of Melbourne Museum’s Evolution Gallery, followed by a series of ‘vignettes‘ on what’s new, controversial and exciting, presented by leading international palaeontologists. Speakers will include top palaeontologists from around the world-Prof Jenny Clack, UK (early amphibians), Prof Zhu Min, China (spectacular feathered dinosaurs); Dr Ewan Fordyce, NZ (whale origins); Dr Stephen Godfrey, USA, (on evolution and creationism); Dr Steve Salisbury, Australia (new Australian dinosaurs).
To wrap up the evening, you are invited View More Fossil Findings

March 07 Archive, Catalyst and the National Convention

ABC Catalyst – NEWS
PSYCHIC INVESTIGATORSFortunately this excrable summer program has been replaced by the regular “CATALYST” . See all the fall-out at
Have your eight cents worth!
And now back to the topic of the 2007 National Skeptics Convention


The 2006 Convention went fabulously and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely.
For those who did a great deal of meeting and greeting at the convention, what are these images about? (See the end of this post for the answers.)

  • Dr Karl Kruszelnicki has been voted the 2006 Skeptic of the Year, for his tireless efforts promoting scientific (sceptical) thinking, and presenting it in an exciting (excitable?) manner.
  • The infamous Bent Spoon Award (BS Award!) has been given to “the pharmacies of Australia that maintain a professional image whilst selling ineffective altmed products and services such as homeopathy, iridology, healing magnets
  • the Skeptics Prize for Critical Thinking was awarded to Martin Bridgstock of Griffith Uni, for his innovative programme teaching skepticism to his students
  • Kylie Sturgess, an English teacher from MLC in Perth won the Runner-Up Prize. (She and her students were mentioned in the last issue of the Skeptic.)

Saturday 18th November 2006
The Australian Skeptics Bent Spoon Award for 2006 goes to the many Australian pharmacies who promote and sell “therapeutic” goods such as homeopathic medicines and magnetic healing devices which have no demonstrable value.
View More March 07 Archive, Catalyst and the National Convention