Ian Robinson

A Short Biography

Ian Robinson

Ian Robinson is President of the Rationalist Society of Australia and for a number of years edited the Australian Rationalist. He worked for more than twenty years as a senior curriculum officer, researcher and professional development officer with the Victorian Education Department and wrote their basic curriculum document, The Primary School Curriculum: A Guide for Victoria Schools (1979). Before that he was a Tutor in Philosophy at the University of Melbourne and then Lecturer in Education at Coburg Teachers’ College. He has a long list of educational publications. He was Buckley in the cabaret group “Buckley, Hope and Nun” performing at the Flying Trapeze Cafe and elsewhere. He has acted in and directed a number of plays including at La Mama and the Pram Factory. His one-act play “The Fountain of Love” won the 2006 National Playwright Competition; his fantasy story “The Crypt of Fleeting Hope” was published by Penguin; and he wrote the chapter on Bruce Doull in Footy’s Greatest Players. He is married to Logie-winning actress and artist Maggie Millar. He currently teaches Story Structure, Scriptwriting and Myths & Symbols at Chisholm Institute.
March, 2009

Rudolf Steiner and the Anthroposophy Cult

Rudolf Steiner and the Anthroposophy Cult
a talk by Ian Robinson to the Victorian Skeptics Monday 20 April, 2009 Summary:
First I will give a brief outline of Steiner’s life from his early infatuation with Goethe and German nature mysticism, through his involvement with Theosophy, to his final break with the latter and his establishment of the Anthroposophy cult and the inauguration of its exclusivist esoteric and secretive inner-circle know as “First Class“.
Then I will outline his eccentric and implausible Manichean world view, based on his own idiosyncratic mystical revelations, with its racist overtone.
I will show that, despite the protests to the contrary by its supporters, there is absolutely no doubt that Anthroposophy is to all intents and purposes a religion.
Finally, I will examine the two main areas where anthroposophy has insinuated itself into secular life in Australia: the “educational philosophy” known as the Waldorf school movement; and the allegedly planet-friendly system of cultivation known as biodynamic agriculture. I will conclude by making some suggestions for action that needs to be taken.


The Stage Show, When Magic Meets Psychology
Simon Taylor defines the difference between sleight of hand and sleight of mind magic. Through studies in psychology, practice of hypnosis and experience in the performing arts, he is able to blend a range of skills into an unforgettable presentation of illusion. Simon’s personable demeanour and energetic performance style allows him to deliver high powered entertainment with intellectually captivating content. Whether it’s magic, mind reading, or hypnosis, Simon is a pioneer in presenting entertainment for the mind, about the mind.
As a psychology student, Simon has always derived immense enjoyment from sharing the things that excite him about his studies. Now with his stage show, Illusination, Simon is able to present incredible magic entertainment blended with some of the most intriguing psychological principles.
The performance is divided into two acts, the first focuses View More Illusination

Fifth Annual Skeptics Trivia Extravaganza

Victorian Skeptics are hosting our 5th Annual Trivia Night at La Notte Restaurant on Monday May 18th 2009.

The Trivia starts at 7.30 pm.

  • NOTE: the earlier than usual start.

As usual, we’ll start gathering for a meal from about 6pm (or earlier!)

Previous Trivia Nights have been among our most popular events; – this year, get your team organised early , and if you’re having a meal at the restaurant before the Trivia, please arrive and order early.

If you can’t come equipped with a ready-made team, don’t stay home and mope! We can organise consortia of suitable intellects on the evening.

As we are offering a number of valuable prizes, your monetary donation will be gratefully received!

Darwin Day Suggestions

DARWIN DAY 2008 is on Tuesday 12th February

There are a number of significant events planned for 2009 around the World. Here are some examples: http://darwin-legend.org/html/Charles-Darwin-2009-Celebration-events.htm
There are also some public events planned for in and around Melbourne. Here are a few.
(Melbourne) International conference 8th to 13th February http://www.darwinday.org/events/listing.php?id=12527
(Melbourne) Rick Barker (Philosophy Forum) 10th February “Evolution’s Controversial History: Lamark, Darwin and Wallace” (Lecture) Unitarian Church Hall, 110 Grey Street, East Melbourne. 8pm
(Melbourne) There will be a celebratory evening Barbecue on the south bank of the Yarra River on Darwin Day, February 12. Closest intersection: Alexandra Avenue / Anderson Street. Melways 2G D11 or 44 HB12. BYO everything from 5.30pm.
(Mornington) http://www.darwinday.org/events/listing.php?id=12492
Please keep us up to date with your activities for inclusion on this page. Send an email to feedback@skeptics.com.au, attaching relevant text and images.//

Calendar 2008


Kylie Paterson

Kylie Paterson talks about Teaching Evolution in a Catholic School. 17th of November
(!!OTHERS!! = events organised by or with other groups)

21 January Skeptics Cafe Speaker: Max Wallace The Purple Economy
!!OTHERS!!around 12 February VARIOUS DARWIN DAY CELEBRATIONS Darwin Day Suggestions
18 February Skeptics Cafe Speaker: Dr Krissy Wilson Anomalistic Psychology; The Science of Self-Deception
17 March Skeptics Cafe CULTS Panel
21 April Skeptics Cafe Speaker: Nicholas J Johnson The Honest Con Man
19 May Skeptics Cafe ”Fourth Annual Skeptics Trivia Extravaganza”
16 June Skeptics Cafe Video Night
21 July Skeptics Cafe Speaker: Stephen Mayne: The Governance of Australian Companies
18 August Skeptics Cafe Speaker from ACCC Internet Scams
15 September Skeptics Cafe Forum on Active Skepticism
20 October Skeptics Cafe Presenter: Wal Parker: The Expert at the Card Table and Martin Gardner
17 November Skeptics Cafe Presenter: Kylie Paterson: Teaching Evolution in a Catholic School.
15 December Skeptics Cafe Social Evening

Public Events (Other) for 2008

Visit this great site for heaps of science events:

Other Victorian organisations of interest that regularly have public events:

Science Organisations

Other Groups View More Public Events (Other) for 2008

Chris Krishna-Pillay

Chris Krishna-Pillay one of Australia’s most prominent science communicators and performers. Chris has performed across Australia, as well as in the UK and New Zealand. In his writing credits he includes, “Howard Florey – a Tale of Tall Poppies“, “Somnium” and “Pre-Coital, the Science of Dating“. He also writes and performs the “Great Big Science Gigs” performed across Australia each year as part of National Science Week.
Chris’ energetic presence, quick wit and engaging demeanour have made him a much sought after performer and MC. He is frequently called upon as a speaker and has been MC for countless events from orchestral concerts to corporate award presentations. Recent engagements have been with BHP Billiton, Bunnings, ABC, Siemens, State Library of Victoria and CSIRO. Chris has experience in television, drama, musicals, stand-up comedy and radio.
He was the science consultant for children’s television series “Wicked Science” (Network Ten), and has appeared on television on “Today“, “Scope” and “Totally Wild“. He is also a regular panelist on popular radio program “Einstein A Go Go” (Triple R radio).
Chris is Victorian Manager of CSIRO Education where he has worked for more than 15 years, and is Secretary of the National Science Week Victorian Coordinating Committee.