Terry's book browsing

I’m just back home from seeing, and enjoying, “God Is Bullshit: And That’s The Good News” by Catherine Deveny at the Trades Hall and on the way home I dropped in to Readings for a browse (as one does).

Conceiving God

My eyes fell upon a book called “Conceiving God: the Cognitive Origin and Evolution of Religion” by David Lewis-Williams. Like a good skeptic I read the blurb and the start and the last page, to see how it ended.
On the last page was a lovely line something, from memory, like this…

Repeatedly, science is modifying religion, never vice versa.

How true.
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Skeptics at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival

Charles and Catherine after the show

The Victorian Skeptics stepped out on Friday 26th March to support one of our former speakers the well known comedienne and journalist Catherine Deveny. With a show titled: ‘God is Bullshit: and that’s the good news’ Catherine put it out there in her real in-your-face style. There was certainly an attraction to Skeptics, Atheist and most of the thinking population to attend. How could we not go. We were not let down.
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TAM Australia

The 2010 Australian Skeptics National Convention will be held in Sydney in the last weekend of November.
You’ll want to mark it in your diaries guys, because it’s shaping up to be a corker.
This year the event will be known as TAM Australia, continuing the fine tradition of “The Amazing Meeting” held annually in Las Vegas by the James Randi Educational Foundation.
And TAM Australia will be boasting a stellar line-up of guests.
Those currently confirmed are JREF president D.J. Grothe, Australia’s own Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki, the cast of the incredibly popular podcast Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe, Brian Dunning of Skeptoid.com, skeptical musician extraordinaire George Hrab, the NCSE’s Dr Eugenie Scott and of course the man himself, The AmazingTM James Randi.
Tickets for the event will go on sale sometime in June.
Watch this space for further updates.

The iPhone Ghost

As I first saw the image (full size)

It began the way pranks sometimes start these days, as a post to an e-mail discussion group, Q-Skeptics in this case.  The message was along the lines of: I’ve got this photo (attached), and it looks very much like there is a ghost in the photo.  The photo was taken by the mother of the girl in the photo, using a friend’s mobile phone. There were independent witnesses present who saw nothing at the time, but can verify that the photo was taken innocently.
Being good skeptics, we shouldn’t immediately jump to conclusions, but investigate whilst casting doubt.  I’m often reminded that skepticism is a process, not a position.  In practice it is, but in reality it’s difficult.  Anyone like myself, with an interest in photography and a somewhat skeptical attitude, is frequently sent photos containing all kinds of accidental anomalies and challenged with “What do you make of that?” Very tiresome.
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PZ Myers

It was nice to see one of the greats of the Skeptical community, PZ Myers along to one of our third Monday, Skeptic café events.
Melbourne is a long way from home for PZ, he resides in Minnesota.  For those that don’t know, P.Z. Myers is an active blog writer.  PZ’s blog called Pharyngula covers topics such as biology, evolution, religious thinking and other topics of interest to Skeptics.  Highly recommended reading.

PZ and Terry, Monday the 15th of March 2010

Too Complicated?

This is a brief article about the evolution of the human eye. It first appeared as a Vic Skeptics discussion pamphlet.
The full range of our discussion pamphlets can be downloaded here: http://www.skeptics.com.au/resources/educational/

Note that the diagrams in this article can be saved in high res by clicking on the diagram.

It is often claimed that the eye is such a wonderfully purposeful organ that evolution (i.e. random chance) can not possibly explain it; it must have been designed. In support of this position, Charles Darwin himself often gets half-quoted.

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Too Complicated?

This is a brief article about the evolution of the human eye. It first appeared as a Vic Skeptics discussion pamphlet.
The full range of our discussion pamphlets can be downloaded here: http://www.skeptics.com.au/resources/educational/

Note that the diagrams in this article can be saved in high res by clicking on the diagram.

It is often claimed that the eye is such a wonderfully purposeful organ that evolution (i.e. random chance) can not possibly explain it; it must have been designed. In support of this position, Charles Darwin himself often gets half-quoted.

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Concern Over Science in the National Curriculum

The National Curriculum statement was released on Monday 1st March 2010. A number of commentators have made claims and suggestions. Here are a few of my thoughts based on the experience of over 30 years teaching including a strong role in science education. Firstly, I would like to make a couple of points based on the following extract from the ‘Cross Curriculum Dimensions’.

Curriculum content that relates to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and contexts is represented implicitly in the content descriptions, and explicitly in the content elaborations. Specific knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is incorporated where it relates to science and relevant phenomena,
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Terry Wins Dr Bob's Quiz

Dr Bob’s quiz, known the world over as the most diabolically difficult quiz, has been cracked for the first time by our own Vic Skeptics El Presidente, Terry Kelly.  It’s not enough to answer the quiz correctly.   Your answer needs to be funny and correct.  And if it’s not correct, you need to find something wrong with the question or make Dr Bob crack up with fits of laughter so much that he gives you the points anyway.
Congratulations Terry!
See the results for February 2010.

Terry Kelly tries to hide the Mind Body Wallet festival in 2009


Dr Vaux's Talk Raises Concerns

At January 18th’s  Skeptics Cafe, Dr David Vaux, (Senior Principal Research Fellow at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research) drew attention to a number of examples of lack of integrity by the authors of mainstream scientific research papers, including the manufacturing of data. These articles had been published in peak academic journals and had escaped their editorial processes. He attributed this largely to a lack of an Office of Research Integrity of the kind that exists in other countries. Dr Vaux’s talk caused concern among some of his listeners for the status of Australian research. Statements in 2004 (see Nature Article Feb 2004 )by the then opposition Senator Kim Carr, were supportive of such an oversight body. Senator Carr is now Federal Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research but his government seems to have no immediate plans to proceed. If you wish to send a letter to your local MP in support of the enhancement of standards of research integrity in Australia, please click letter to MP to view and download an example. Contact details for Federal MPs can be found here: http://www.aph.gov.au/house/members/memlist.pdf