A Review of "Catalyst" on TM

By Dr Stephen Basser
I try not to watch too much ‘tabloid television’ as I find that the way scientific issues are covered is likely to provoke either the tossing of objects in the direction of the television, or the feeling that my blood pressure is rising to dangerous levels. When medical or health issues are being discussed the reaction is usually a combination of the two.
When I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by the latest miracle weight loss treatment, or arthritis cure, I escape to a bit of sound scientific reporting by switching over to the ABC, and watch the normally excellent general science program Catalyst. Tonight, though, I momentarily thought I’d turned on the wrong channel, as Catalyst’s first story – on Transcendental Meditation – was right out of the tabloid guide book. View More A Review of "Catalyst" on TM

The Health Care Complaints Commission's Enquiry into the Australian Vaccination Network

by Dr Stephen Basser
The concept of informed consent is an important one in medicine. Modern science based health care is a complex entity and it is the responsibility of those who dispense health care, or communicate about it, to present evidence regarding medical treatments and procedures in a balanced way. This means objectively discussing benefits and risks to assist consumers of health care to make informed decisions about their care. View More The Health Care Complaints Commission's Enquiry into the Australian Vaccination Network

A Critical Look at Homeopathy

Graeme Hanigan of “The Celestial Teapot” reviews Homeopathy.  Graeme writes:
The following explanation for homoeopathy is taken from the Australian Homeopathic Association.

Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine developed by German physician and chemist, Dr Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), based on the principle of “let likes cure likes”. This law or principle is based on a long held belief as far back as Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, and other ancient healers such as Paracelsus, that substances that produce symptoms in a healthy individual can be used to treat similar symptoms in a sick person.

Let’s take a critical look at this statement.

Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine

This is an extraordinary claim requiring extraordinary evidence to support it.

developed by German physician and chemist, Dr Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843).

This statement is supported by historical data and can be considered View More A Critical Look at Homeopathy

New Simon Taylor show

Many active skeptics will have seen Simon Taylor before, so you’ll already know how good and entertaining he is.

click for full size

For those of you who haven’t seen him before let me tell you that he is very good and very entertaining.
He was a big hit at the Global Atheists’ Convention Dinner and more than held his own with other high profile entertainers.
We, (the Victorian Skeptics via Australian Skeptics) supported his two week show at Melbourne Uni’s Guild Theatre last year and it was a great show and with some nights being sold out.
Simon just seems to be getting better and better and so the show, at Darebin Arts Centre on 27th of August, promises to be a great night. Recommended for skeptics and non skeptics alike. Take your family and friends. If they don’t get the skeptical message (and there is one) they’ll at least have a good time and the show won’t end at the final curtain because there will be lingering conversations along the lines of “How did he do that?” …or even “I think I can work out how he did that one…” usually you can’t.

Simon Taylor’s web site