A Skeptic's Guide to Firewalking

This article first appeared as a Vic Skeptics discussion pamphlet.
The full range of our discussion pamphlets can be downloaded here: http://www.skeptics.com.au/resources/educational/ or by clicking on the “Useful Info” link at the top of this page.

What is firewalking?
Typically, firewalking involves walking with bare feet across a level bed of hot glowing coals, the remnant of a wood fire. On the Pacific Islands, heated stones are substituted for coals. View More A Skeptic's Guide to Firewalking

Superheros Are Amongst Us!

by Lucas Randall (aka Codenix)
I used to think superheros were the domain of fiction, existing only in comic-books and on film, their powers limited to battling their super-villain foe, equally the domain of fiction. I didn’t realise superheros and super-villains are actually real, living amongst us and affecting our lives in very real ways. View More Superheros Are Amongst Us!

PestXit – Have they built The Better Mousetrap?

by Peter Bromley
A few years ago I spent hours of endless fun at my mother’s house chasing mice…or emptying traps.  They seemed to be fairly regular visitors and she hated them almost as much as the telemarketers who specialised at calling at tea time.  A mouse with a phone – the ultimate pest!

When she saw the PestXit somewhere (probably Bunnings or Dick Smith) she wanted to try it.  My experience with this sort of thing had been extensive – I bought one for mosquitoes when I was young and woke up eye to eye with a mozzie that was actually sitting on the device.  It didn’t look stressed at all.  In fact, all it needed was a cigarette and magazine. View More PestXit – Have they built The Better Mousetrap?

Terry, RoyalAuto interview

Don’t toss out your RoyalAuto just yet. Victorian Skeptics president Terry Kelly featured in a RoyalAuto article this month.
Amongst the car safety reviews and suggested holiday destinations, a four page interview style article about Terry and things of interest to skeptics. I found the writing and photography to be excellent and it’s always nice to see a good positive story in the press.
You can read the September 2010 article on-line.


Australian Skeptic's Guide to Astrology

This article first appeared as a Vic Skeptics discussion pamphlet.
The full range of our discussion pamphlets can be downloaded here: http://www.skeptics.com.au/resources/educational/

or by clicking on the “Useful Info” link at the top of this page.

The basic proposition of Western Astrology is that your personality and fate are influenced by the apparent positions and motions of heavenly bodies. View More Australian Skeptic's Guide to Astrology

Religious Dogma, Atheism and Hate

The following article was originally written by Lucas Randall, aka “Codenix”for his Skeptical blog emanating from the hilly environs of Melbourne.

Lucas writes:
Every belief or issue has its extremists. Whether you’re talking about climate science, politics, faith, healing, sport, gun control, or activities as simple as driving, there are dogmatic, unmovable groups and individuals who will not alter their views, even when faced with rock-solid evidence to the contrary. View More Religious Dogma, Atheism and Hate