The Science Talent Search 2020

Thanks to the  Science Teachers Association of Victoria’s Janice Teng and her team of volunteers, the Victorian Science Talent Search has continued its unbroken run of sixty-nine years. The question was never “Can STS continue, given the unprecedented restrictions imposed by the Corona virus?” but “How should STS run in 2020 to best effect?”

Each year, a theme is set for the thousand or so entries that are submitted for judging. This year, the theme was Deep Blue – Innovations for the future of our Oceans.

Vic Skeptics and Australian Skeptics Inc. have jointly supported STS for many years, and are consistently among its major sponsors.

This year we were delighted to provide cash bursaries to sixty-six participants. View More The Science Talent Search 2020

Science / Maths/ Logic Puzzles for Students

Here’s an announcement – or a reminder – about the motivational student worksheets available in .pdf from this site. They take the form of crosswords, word searches and cryptograms and are pitched variously at age groups from primary to senior secondary.

Topics include General Science, Astronomy, Biology (including Evolution and Human Reproduction), Botany, Chemistry, Health, and Physics.

This material, which was designed for classroom use has been in unexpectedly high demand for home schooling and enrichment during 2020. There’s a lot of great stuff available on the www; we hope you find our contribution useful.

Go here:

Puzzles for October 2020

For October we’ve added the usual picture puzzles, mixed bag questions, Skeptical Crossword and Logic & Maths set to the top of the PUZZLES PAGE.

Our “Special” puzzle sets for those in quarantine or lock-down have proven to be popular, so we’ve added some more. Just continue scrolling down past the October Puzzles to the heading ADDITIONAL PUZZLES & DIVERSIONS – SEPTEMBER PUZZLES.


Puzzles for September 2020

The PUZZLES PAGE  has September’s Picture Puzzles, Mixed Bag Questions and Logic & Maths Puzzles, as well as a  Skeptical Crossword Puzzle with the theme of General Skeptical Issues.

There are more “Special” puzzle sets as well, particularly for those who are self-isolating or experiencing some degree of lock-down or quarantine.  Just scroll down; and enjoy.

Puzzles for August 2020

Go to our PUZZLES PAGE, for this month’s Picture Puzzles, Mixed Bag Questions and Logic & Maths Puzzles. The Skeptical Crossword Puzzle is (unsurprisingly) about Conspiracy Theories, and (also unsurprisingly) is quite large and time-consuming.

We’re continuing to provide new sets of “special puzzles” of various kinds to cope with whatever regime of home isolation prevails in your area. (Here in Victoria Australia, it’s pretty full-on.)

The latest lot of Special Puzzle .pdfs comes just after the August Puzzles, and if you continue to scroll down past the July puzzles, the sets posted in May, June and July are still available.

Enjoy, and stay safe.

Puzzles for July 2020

The crossword puzzle this month has been compiled by a  Skeptic casting a somewhat bemused eye over events of the last few months. You’ll find it HERE and also near the top of the PUZZLES PAGE, along with July’s Picture Puzzles, Mixed Bag Questions and Logic & Maths Puzzles.

In May, we started an additional collection of sets of “special puzzles” of various kinds to help those of you who are stuck at home to pass the time. You’ll find that growing collection of .pdfs on the Puzzles Page if you scroll down past the July puzzles. Enjoy, and stay safe.