I should really have put this post up weeks ago but, sorry I’ve been busy, with work, blah blah…. I’m sure you don’t want to hear about it. Anyway this post is a not-very-good attempt to re-live a great night, a bit of a pat on the back for the organizer, Catherine D and to show some nice photos.
And what a week TAM Australia Fringe was in Melbourne, with events on successive nights. Beginning on Tuesday the 30th of November, George Hrab put on a great performance at the Clyde Hotel.
Self confessed “suit guy”, podcaster, composer and musician George Hrab was pleasantly surprised to find that he had so many fans in Melbourne. A crowd that numbered around 150, knew the words and joined in with enthusiasm. What a fun night, lyrics that resonate with skeptics and rational thinkers, music and laughter – good stuff.
I recall talking to Terry Kelly after the event. He said:
That was great. I can’t believe it was a free event – I would have paid good money to see that!
(hint, Terry, don’t tell Catherine).
George played Far, I really didn’t View More George Hrab at the Clyde