“Mixed Bag” Questions August 2012 – Answers

1. A mirror

2. a.7 colours in the rainbow

b. 206 bones in the human body

c. 13 stripes on the American flag

d. 76 trombones in the big parade.


3. 40th


4. The Ukraine


5. Oskar


6. 1992


7. Gilligan’s Island, Mr Magoo


8. Mick Taylor


9. Peter Phillips


10. George C Scott, Patton

Gippsland Skeptics In the Pub – update

Gippsland Skeptics In the Pub now has two meetings a month, one in Sale and one in Morwell.

The Sale meetings happen on the Fourth Friday of the month at Relish At the Gallery http://www.menumate.com.au/relish-at-the-gallery from 6.30 pm.

The Morwell Venue is The Top Pub (Morwell Hotel) http://www.morwellhotel.com.au/ and meetings are on the Second Friday of each month, also from 6.30 pm.

Just turn up and ask for The Skeptics!

For information about Skeptics groups around Victoria, subscribe to our monthly news bulletin:


“Mixed Bag” Questions July 2012 – Answers

1. Ars Gratia Artis – Art For Art’s Sake

2. The Taming of the Shrew- Katharina; Julius Caesar – Calpurnia; The Tempest – Prospero; Othello – Iago

3. a. Enterprise; b. Rouseabout; c. Rudiments

4. Brazil

5. False; it’s just offshore of Antarctica, South of Tasmania

6. Margaret Court (1970)

7. Greek

8. Jamboree

9. Seaquest DSV

10. Scrambled Eggs