September Puzzles


New sets of both Picture Puzzles and Mixed Bag Questions occupy the top of the PUZZLES PAGE.

SEPTEMBER 2014 SKEPTICAL CROSSWORD has Alternative Healing as its theme.

There are also ten new SEPTEMBER 2014 LOGIC & MATHS PUZZLES


September 2014 Logic & Maths Puzzles – Solutions

1. Answer: 1 politician
The first inhabitant will deny being a politician whether he is or not.
Therefore, the second inhabitant is not a politician because the first inhabitant did in fact deny being a politician.
If the third inhabitant is not a politician and is truthful, then the first inhabitant is a politician.
If the third inhabitant is a politician and a liar, then the first inhabitant would not be a politician
2. 49 (There was no year zero)
3. Tomorrow
4. 60 guests
5. The red door
6. Bob, Andy, Chris, Debbie, Evan
7. James was born just before Daylight Saving Time ended. John was born just after, the clock having been set back an hour.
8. 2 minutes
9. 3 cats
10. 49 steps

“Mixed Bag” September 2014 – Answers

1. Tardis – Tegan Jovanka; Heart of Gold – Trisha McMillan; Red Dwarf – Dave Lister; Enterprise – Geordie La Forge; Millemium Falcon – Chewbacca

2. All anagrams of animals – DOE, GNU, RAM, APE, WOLF

3. Thirteen

4. Off Newport, Rhode Island

5. Quebec

6. Edward VII

7. True (The note is F)

8. Gollum / Smeagol

9. Red

10. Hatreds, threads, trashed


11. They were the only survivors of the wreck of the Loch Ard, a sailing vessel which was wrecked at Mutton bird Island just off the South West Coast of Victoria, Australia in 1878.

12. 1923

13. Eugene Cernan (but we’d accept Jack Schmidt)

14. 1908 and 1912

15. Highest ever scoring fighter pilot – over 300 enemy planes shot down

16. From the value of “pi” after the decimal point. (Probably a pun on “getting a piece of the pie”)

17. 1938

18. High Noon

19. Rainman

20. A rope – indicates the orientation of the twist on its strands

August Puzzles


* There are new Picture Puzzles and “Mixed Bag” (trivia-type) Questions at the top of our PUZZLES PAGE.

* Here is the AUGUST 2014 SKEPTICAL CROSSWORD. The theme this month is Religion. As usual, you can choose whether to use the standard clues 0r the cryptic  clues to solve it.

* Here are the AUGUST 2014 LOGIC & MATHS PUZZLES


August 2014 Logic & Maths Puzzles – Solutions

1.Rich, Randy, Rob, Ray

2. Bob, Ed, Dave

3. Mr. Red worked for Green & Co,
Mr. Green worked for Blue & Co.
Mr. Blue worked for Red & Co.
We know Mr. Red couldn’t work for the red company. He also couldn’t work for Blue & Co. because he was talking to the man from Blue & Co. Since we now know that Mr. Red is from Green & Co.

4. 102 pages
To eat 300 pages the bookworm would have to eat from p100 Vol 1 to p1 vol 3

5. Alec Grant

6. 18km

7. 72 children

8. Paul: If John is lying, then George and Ringo would be telling the truth, which would mean John was not lying, so he can’t be the liar.
If Paul was lying, then Ringo would also be lying, so he must be telling the truth, as well.
So we now know that neither John nor Paul finished last. If Ringo was lying, then George would have finished last, which would mean that he was lying, as well. So Ringo can’t be lying.
This leaves George as our liar, so we know George did not finish first. Neither did Ringo (he finished last), nor did John (he finished neither first nor last). Therefore, Paul won the race!

9. 720 times

10. A. Emily B. Colin C. Fred D. Irene

“Mixed Bag” August 2014 – Answers

1. Ireland, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy

2. False. Sherlock Holmes was banned in the USSR

3. Ben Lexcen

4. 14th century

5. Porridge

6. 55

7. Mickey Rooney

8. treason

9. Hey Jude

10. Argentina


11. Running Backwards

12. Survived a fall from a plane without a parachute?

13. Became youngest ever F1 champion to that date

14. Four

15. Briseis

16. They were underage

17. Fingernail

18. 96

19. 1935 To control the cane beetle

20. 1928