August 2016 Logic & Maths Problems – Solutions

1. 4 animals (1 pig , 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 cow)

2. a. 1 in 9

3. 177, 174 and 171

4. 21 rectangles

5. Three melons

6. Dale

7. a. (left) Sally; b. (Middle) Sue; c. (Right) Sarah

8. a. 69 birds b. 184 birds

9. Arrangement C

10. The child with the black hair is the girl, and the child with the white hair is the boy.
Since at least one of them lied, the only possibility is that they both lied, otherwise they would be two boys or two girls.

A Skeptic’s Guide to Life In the Universe

This article first appeared as a Vic Skeptics discussion pamphlet and again here in December 2010.
The full range of our discussion pamphlets can be downloaded from our  USEFUL INFO  page.

 by Peter Barrett, (Canberra Skeptics), updated 2016 by Ken Greatorex

It’s one of the great questions: is there life elsewhere in the universe, apart from the Earth? Skeptics would say, “Almost certainly, but at the moment we don’t know how likely it might be.”

Life thrives on Earth, particularly in the tropical and temperate latitudes. Life exists even in the harsh desert and polar regions. But most importantly, life has been found to exist in places previously thought inhospitable, such as inside rocks in the dry valleys of Antarctica or around geothermal vents, where the water is boiling hot. The fact that life can survive in such unlikely places dramatically increases the range of potential habitats for life elsewhere. So are there places where life could exist elsewhere in our own Solar System?

View More A Skeptic’s Guide to Life In the Universe

July 2016 Puzzles

July’s Picture Puzzles, “Mixed Bag” Questions and a new word puzzle called AddScrabble are at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE 

July 2016 Skeptical Crossword features Famous Skeptics.

July 2016 Logic & Maths Problems is the 48th set in the series. If you’d like to try the other 47, they start in August 2012 – see PUZZLES ARCHIVE 3;


2016 Australian Skeptics Convention – Latest

Aus Skepticon2016 Try booking banner V2 900W (1)

is at The Carrillo Gantner Theatre, Sidney Myer Asia Centre, University of Melbourne from 25-27 November,

with the annual Dinner at

The Leopard Lodge, Melbourne Zoo on Saturday evening 26 November.


Early-bird ticket sales will cease on June 30.  View More 2016 Australian Skeptics Convention – Latest