“Mixed Bag” Questions October 2016 – Answers

1. Milan

2. Kylie Minogue

3. Cigarettes

4. Dummy

5. Nigeria

6. The Defenders and The Brady Bunch

7. Xylophone

8. A. Madrid B. Harare C. Bankok

9. 1972

10. Fried Rice


11. Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organisation

12. Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

13. Caroline Graham

14. It’s the old postal address of the Eau-de-Cologne factory in the German town of Cologne (Koln) when under French occupation

15. Light Rum, Southern Comfort. Triple Sec, Lemon juice, Dash of Bitters

16. All have been official events in at least one Olympics

17. 1959

18. Reagan, Goneril, Cordelia

19. Pete Conrad

20. Beeswax

A Skeptic’s Guide to Bible Codes

This article first appeared as a Vic Skeptics discussion pamphlet and was first posted here in March 2011.

 by Peter Barrett, Canberra Skeptics, updated by Ken Greatorex

In the late 1990s, a book called “The Bible Code” was published. Its author, Michael Drosnin, claimed that a high-powered computer program had uncovered a large number of secret messages in the Jewish Bible (the Christian Old Testament). The most amazing claim was that a few years before the book’s publication, this program had discovered that the then Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzakh Rabin, faced assassination. Several months after Drosnin and his partners warned him, Mr Rabin was assassinated. View More A Skeptic’s Guide to Bible Codes

New Puzzles For September

You’ll find a new lot of Picture Puzzles and “Mixed Bag” Questions  in the PUZZLES PAGE ;

September 2016 Skeptical Crossword Puzzle is about general skeptical issues;

while the September 2016 Logic & Maths Problems feature dice, cats, cigarette butts, photo albums and a ring around the Earth.


Congratulations, Dr Ken Harvey

(reposted from AUSTRALIAN SKEPTICS INC website)


The Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science has awarded Dr Ken Harvey the 2016 ANZAAS Medal.

The medal is awarded annually for services for the advancement of science or administration and organisation of scientific activities, or the teaching of science throughout Australia and New Zealand and in contributions to science which lie beyond normal professional activities. Previous winners of the medal include Sir Gus Nossal, Sir Mark Oliphant and Harry Messel. View More Congratulations, Dr Ken Harvey

August 2016 Puzzles

August’s Picture Puzzles and “Mixed Bag” Questions  are at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE ;

August 2016 Skeptical Crossword Puzzle revisits Chiropractic ;

and there’s a set of August 2016 Logic & Maths Problems .


October 2016 Logic & Maths Problems – Solutions

1. 1.6%

2. 30

3. 0.16 (Two fifths squared is four twenty fifths or 16 hundredths)

4. c

5. 324

6. Sam has 21 balls and Fred has 15 balls.
If Sam would give Fred 3 balls, they would have an equal number (i.e., 18 balls each).
If Fred would give Sam 3 balls, then Sam would have 24 balls and Fred would have 12 balls.

7. b

8. $128

9. a

10. 579 pages

September 2016 Logic & Maths Problems – Solutions

1. 72

2. a. 7
b. Scores of 10 and 11 are equally likely
c. 4 and 24

3. 26. (a quick way of approaching this if you know that 676 is a perfect square is to realise that its square root must lie between 20 (20 X 20 = 400) and 30 (30 X 30 = 900). Then, since 676 ends in 6 the only candidates are 24 X 24 and 26 X 26. However, if the answer was 24, then 676 would have 3 as one of its factors; its digits must add up to some multiple of 3. But 6 + 7 + 6 =13. That rules out 24; the answer must be 26)

4. 6, if he saves and reuses the butts from his own newly rolled cigarettes.

5. 3 cats

6. Two. (83 and 89)

7. a. 15 triangles; b. 9 triangles

8. 62 photos

9. a. Yes b. Yes c. Yes (as the gap is 1.6 m some men might have to crouch a bit)

10. The ring road is about 10% quicker