Puzzles for November 2016


The NOVEMBER 2016 SKEPTICAL CROSSWORD PUZZLE is called Selling The Pharm, and is about the often dubious marketing of both alternative and over-the-counter medicines.

There’s a set of  November 2016 Logic & Maths Problems

and new sets of Picture Puzzles and “Mixed Bag” questions, which are at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE


November 2016 Logic & Maths Problems – Solutions

1. 17

2. 729 (cubes of consecutive odd numbers: 729 = 93)

3. 27 (Given 3 and 7 as the first two numbers in the sequence, each succeeding number is the sum of the two previous numbers in the sequence)

4. 12 people

5. 23

6. He will never do it. In fact by these rules he is limited to less than 20 metres in total.

7. 78

8. The house numbers

9. 13 people

10. (In order) 10, 15, 9, 20, 12

Convention latest


The Program

Thursday November 24: Convention Trivia Night
The Clyde Hotel cnr Elgin & Cardigan Streets Carlton
Meal from 6pm, Trivia at 7.30 pm
$15 / head entry only (meal & drinks at pub prices)

Friday November 25: Skepticamp
University of Melbourne Old Arts Theatre
9.00 to 5.00
A Great line-up of speakers, and all free.
More details on the UMSS website, here.

Friday November 25: Meet & Greet for Convention ticket-holders.
Bridie O’Reilly’s 29 Sydney Rd, Brunswick
6.00 pm to 9.30 pm View More Convention latest

Lynne Kelly

13700193_1054121704666480_7843799502333502259_nDr Lynne Kelly is one of the more interesting people to be encountered among the Australian Skeptical community. She’s a writer, researcher and science educator, as well as being a foundation member of Australian Skeptics.

Lynne tends not to follow stereotypes. Her first tertiary qualification was in Engineering; armed with this, she began a teaching career in government secondary schools. On the way she co-authored a series of Maths text books. She later branched into extension education for gifted children. Her 1994 book Challenging Minds: Thinking Skills and Enrichment Activities is one result of that period.

View More Lynne Kelly

Puzzles for October 2016


This month as a bonus we’ve given you an extra ten pre-loved code-type puzzles to solve (see left)

You’ll find the answers HERE

The October 2016 Skeptical Crossword Puzzle is called Logical Fallacies # 5.

Here are the links to our previous Logical Fallacies crossword puzzles:
Logical Fallacies Crossword 1

Logical Fallacies Crossword 2

Logical Fallacies Crossword 3

Logical Fallacies Crossword 4

There’s also the October 2016 Logic & Maths Problems

and new sets of Picture Puzzles and “Mixed Bag” questions, which are at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE


“Mixed Bag” Questions November 2016 – Answers

1. They are very thin

2. Francis Xavier

3. Xanadu

4. Hog

5. Triumph

6. Xenophobia

7. Distance walked based on number of steps taken

8. Queensland

9. Gough Whitlam

10. Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones


11. Three Months

12. Removing or neutralizing a metal object’s magnetic field; to stop them setting off magnetic mines

13. Colin Dexter

14. Hannibal

15. Potomac

16. The Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodson/ Lecturer in Mathematics

17. Uniform Resource Locator

18. Charlotte Corday

19. Petri dish

20. Adams