“Mixed Bag” Questions February 2017 – Answers

1. 48

2. Wellington, North Island

3. Ork

4. Two days

5. Kingsford Smith Airport

6. Mario Lanza

7. General Sir John Monash

8. The film came first. The record was released by public demand

9. Cats

10. Joanna Lumley played Purdey in The New Avengers


11. A newly invented word

12. Elizabeth II, Victoria, George III

13. Firearms (shot guns & rifles)

14. Bill Lawry

15. Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair

16. Louisa May Alcott

17. The head of a bull

18. Bas relief

19. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

20. Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide

Australian Skeptic’s Guide to Numerology – Update

pay-937882_1280You may have noticed that we’ve been  updating and recycling our “Australian Skeptics Guide to ….” features. Usually we wait five years or more between reposts, but so much has happened recently that an update of the January 2016 update of An Australian Skeptic’s Guide to Numerology seems like a good idea. 

It takes into account the election of Donald Trump, the demotion of Sussan Ley, and the enthusiam for numerology displayed by Bollywood celebrities. Scroll down to January 2016, or go HERE

The Great Debate: Evolution vs Creationism

This article first appeared as a Vic Skeptics discussion pamphlet and was first posted here in March 2011.

With Charles Darwin’s impending 208th birthday on February 12 it seems appropriate to revisit it.


One of the many amazing stories in the Bible is the story of The Great Flood.

Before The Great Flood Noah was commanded by his God to build an ark (a large boat) and to collect a pair of all the animals on Earth. The Great Flood wiped out all the other animals, including humans, and those on Noah’s Ark repopulated the Earth after the flood subsided.

Given our present knowledge of evolution, genetics, geology, physics and archeology, few people, even practising Christians, believe the story to be literally true. However there are some people who insist that all the Bible stories are literally true. As well as the story of Noah’s Ark they also believe that:

 The Earth and all living things on it were created in six 24-hour days.

 This occurred about 10,000 years ago.

 All present day animals are descended from those on Noah’s Ark.

 The theory of evolution is incorrect because it is not consistent with the Bible stories.

These are the fundamental beliefs of Creationism. But why are the religious beliefs of Creationists of concern to scientists? Does it matter if people’s religious beliefs are in disagreement with scientific knowledge?

View More The Great Debate: Evolution vs Creationism