May 2018 Picture Puzzles – Answers
- Terminate
- Stifle
- Nobel Prize
- Wheel of Fortune
- Recline
- Persuade
- Ain’t no sunshine
About five years ago we posted Recommended site: We had a lot of nice things to say about the site. On review, we’ve found that the URL given now forwards to
The site describes itself as follows: Reliable Australian health and medicines information
myDr provides reliable Australian health information, health tools and calculators covering symptoms, diseases, tests & investigations, medicines, treatments, nutrition and fitness.
A quick review of the site confirms its bona fides: Some of the contact information is useful only to Australian residents, but there is a large body of universally applicable information and advice available under pull-down menus for Conditions, Medicines, Symptoms and Health Tools. View More Recommended Health & Medical Info Sites
It was a glorious, sunny day in Airey’s Inlet for the annual Skepticamp where we were privy to a range of fascinating talks to hone our critical thinking skills. For a $5 donation we were treated to a delicious, healthy lunch and many of us also took the opportunity to socialise over dinner at the nearby pub afterwards.
First up was Geelong Skeptics Society Co-founder and Speech Pathologist Zola Lawry who spoke about the importance of being skeptical about “Facilitated Communication”. Questions have been raised over who is actually communicating. Could it be the well-meaning facilitator rather than the severely disabled client? Zola presented the claims and the evidence for such cases as Anne McDonald of “Annie’s Coming Out” fame and her facilitator Rosemary Crossley. View More Review – Surfcoast Skepticamp 2018
Seven pages of Word puzzles, anagrams, riddles, etc in pdf form.
Vic Skeptics Website April 2018 Bonus Puzzles
Apologies for the lateness of this posting – but I think you’ll agree – worth the wait.
From the very talented Mal Vickers: click on this link.
We’ll take this opportunity to announce (or remind you of) the early arrangements for the 2018 Convention. It will be in Sydney again, on the 13th and 14th of October.
We’ll provide you with more details and a direct link to the Convention site as they come to hand.
Dr Varsha Pilbrow spoke at March’s Skeptics Café. Dr Pilbrow is a Lecturer in the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience at Melbourne University.
She specializes in the dental morphology of the living apes, and is currently working on international research projects in the study of fossil hominids and in bioarchaeology, studying the physical anthropology of human skeletal remains from archaeological sites at the cross-roads of major human migration routes. View More 3D printing, teeth and human evolution
Melbournians are fortunate to have access to many regular events which exist to stimulate inquiry and promote Science, Philosophy and Critical Thinking. These events are open to the public. They are mostly free.
Here are some of them.
ANZAAS Free Public Lectures: Monthly, with weeknight and date as advertised on the website
ROYAL SOCIETY of VICTORIA Lecture Program: Fourth Thursday of each Month plus other events as advertised
UNIVERSITY of MELBOURNE Free Public Lectures: Several each month, weeknights, early evenings as advertised.
View More Regular Public Lectures, Workshops, etc.
New for March:
Our Puzzles Page has been updated. All monthly puzzles from 2016 and 2017 have been placed in a new PUZZLES ARCHIVE 7
Our Puzzles Archives go back to 2010
New for February are: