Puzzles for October 2019

This October we continue the theme of Logical Fallacies for the monthly crossword, with Logical Fallacies #7.

Here are the links to our previous Logical Fallacies Crosswords.

23 Crossword July 2012 Logical Fallacies 1

37 Crossword September2013 Logical Fallacies 2  (with both standard and cryptic sets of clues)

38 Crossword October 2013 (logical fallacies 3) (with both standard and cryptic sets of clues)

54 Crossword February 2015 logical fallacies 4 (with both standard and cryptic sets of clues)

74 Crossword October 2016 Logical Fallacies 5 (with both standard and cryptic sets of clues)

109 September 2019 Crossword Logical Fallacies 6

with the usual Picture Puzzles,  “Mixed Bag” questions and Logic and Maths Puzzles at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE.

Older Puzzles:



Skepticon 2019 – Messages from the presenters

Hear from and read about some of our presenters. CLICK on the main headings.

Skeptics’Guide to the Universe




Susan Gerbic

Susan will be talking about the Guerilla Skeptics Wikipedia Project as well as “Grief Vampires“.

Jo Thornely

Jo is an Australian presenter that will be appearing at Skepticon2019. She is the host of Zealot, a podcast about cults, and author of a book by the same name.

Professor Fiona Fidler

Brendan O’Brien

Dr Brad McKay

Bookings and information:


Puzzles for September 2019

This September we return to the theme of Logical Fallacies as the basis of the monthly crossword. This month it’s Logical Fallacies #6, and Logical Fallacies #7 will follow in October.

Here are the links to our previous Logical Fallacies Crosswords.

23 Crossword July 2012 Logical Fallacies 1

37 Crossword September2013 Logical Fallacies 2  (with both standard and cryptic sets of clues)

38 Crossword October 2013 (logical fallacies 3) (with both standard and cryptic sets of clues)

54 Crossword February 2015 logical fallacies 4 (with both standard and cryptic sets of clues)

74 Crossword October 2016 Logical Fallacies 5 (with both standard and cryptic sets of clues)

September’s Picture Puzzles,  “Mixed Bag” questions and Logic and Maths Puzzles are also there at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE.

Older Puzzles:



SKEPTICON 2019 update

The Skepticon2019 speaker lineup now includes:

The Skeptics Guide to the Universe

Susan Gerbic

Jo Thornely

Professor Fiona Fidler: The Replication Crisis in the Social Sciences

Dr Sue Ieraci: Medical Anti-Science Bingo

Ross Balch: Of Microbes and Monsters

Dr Brad McKay: Home Remedies That Work?

Tina Hanigan: Should Darwin have been surprised at the spread of Skeptism in Europe following his publication ‘On the Origin of Species’?

Brendan O’Brien: The Explosion of Citizen Science

Matt Nurse: Motivated numeracy – why smart people reject the facts they don’t like

and “Australia’s Honest Con Man” Nicholas J Johnson: Bullshit For Skeptics

SKEPTICON 2019’s dedicated website for information and booking is at https://skepticon.org.au

Important SKEPTICON 2019 dates:

5th December: Skeptics Trivia Night at The Clyde Hotel. Hosted by Tony Pitman and Ken Greatorex, this is a fund-raiser, at $15 per head. It’s not strictly a Skepticon event, and not just for Skepticon visitors. However, with our regular locals and regional, interstate and overseas visitors participating, this fifteenth annual Vic Skeptics Trivia night should be fun. Meal from 6:00 pm, eyes down at 7:15.

6th December: Conference commencement and “meet and greet” at The Dan O’Connell Hotel.

7th December: Two Day conference commences at Carrillo Gantner Theatre, University of Melbourne Swanston Street

7th December: Conference Dinner (sold out!)

8th December: Final day of conference

Puzzles for August 2019

For the month of August there’s a new set of Picture Puzzles,  some “Mixed Bag” trivia type questions, a Skeptical Crossword and some  Logic and Maths Puzzles with solutions, all on the PUZZLES PAGE.

Hundreds of earlier puzzles can be found by scrolling down the Puzzles Page or delving into the archives:



Puzzles for July 2019

This month’s Skeptical Crossword is about Religion. You’ll also encounter a new set of Picture Puzzles,  some “Mixed Bag” trivia type questions and  Logic and Maths Puzzles with solutions.

All on the PUZZLES PAGE.

Earlier puzzles can be found by scrolling down the Puzzles Page or delving into the archives:

