Picture Puzzles July 2020 – Answers
- Ring-Around-a-Rosie
- Able Seamen
- Piano tuner
- Detailed
- (a) bluebell
(b) anemone
(c) buttercup
(d) phlox
(e) rose
(f) hydrangea
Newly situated at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE are another seven picture puzzles, twenty “Mixed Bag” Questions (trivia / general knowledge, a Crossword Puzzle prompted by the practice of osteopathy, and a set of Logic & Maths questions.
If you continue to scroll down, (by-passing our special Darwin Day Crossword) you’ll see a similar set of puzzles for February, then for January.
Puzzles from January 2018 to December 2019 now make up Puzzles Archives 8
116 Feb 2020 xword Darwin special
Don’t forget the annual Darwin Day Barbecue in Melbourne on Wednesday February 12: see details below.
More Picture Puzzles, Mixed Bag questions, a Crossword about Roman Mythology and a set of Logic Problems (with solutions) are at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE .
Puzzles from January 2018 to December 2019 have been removed to form Puzzles Archives 8
Skepticamp 2020 February 29
10:30 AM – 4 PM
Aireys Inlet Community Hall
Great Ocean Rd, Aireys Inlet, Victoria
Here are some of the presenters and topics, with more to come:
Richard Saunders: Strange Energies and Even Stranger Devices
Karl Hemphill: Scammers on Line
Aung Ko Oo & Arghavan Shafiei: Ken Harvey’s Whack-a-Mole Project
Dr Scott Power: Climate Change
Tina Hanigan: Shonky TAFE Courses update. Some new kids on the block
Stella Schubert: My Journey from Acupuncturist to Skeptic
It’s free, but register via the Eventbrite link: https://tinyurl.com/SkepticampVIII
Help us celebrate Charles Darwin’s 211th birthday at the annual Barbecue, from 5 pm at the Studley Park Boathouses picnic area. BYO everything.
Celebrate February 12 (Charles Darwin’s Birthday) in your classroom!
Charles Darwin Crossword Years 9 to 12
Charles Darwin Wordsearch Years 5 to 8
Charles Darwin Cryptogram Years 7 to 10
charles_darwin_by_grichmond [Colouring in}
Come and enjoy the glorious location at Aireys Inlet and a variety of speakers at this grassroots event on February 29, 2020. It’s free but please register via the Eventbrite link: https://tinyurl.com/SkepticampVIII