Our submission on the Position Paper on the Promotion of Therapeutic Goods

Dr Ken Harvey

When Dr Ken Harvey spoke to Vic Skeptics earlier this year, a lot of us came away feeling that the Therapeutic Goods Administration was not serious about its role in ensuring that Australians have good information about and acess to reliable and safe over-the-counter medicines and therapeutic devices. An opportunity has since arisen for us to have our “two bob’s worth” before the Federal Government looks at revamping the TGA. Our first of two scheduled submissions is included here.

It has been sent primarily to The Hon Mark Butler in his capacity as Parliamentary Secretary for Health.

The Hon Mark Butler MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Health

Dear Mr Butler,

Australian Skeptics: Submission on the Position Paper on the Promotion of Therapeutic Goods

The Victorian Branch of the Australian Skeptics is part of a loose confederation of groups across Australia that investigates and debates pseudo-scientific and paranormal claims from a responsible scientific viewpoint. The Australian Skeptics publish a quarterly magazine entitled The Skeptic and host an annual national convention which includes prominent scientists, researchers and authors amongst the keynote speakers. View More Our submission on the Position Paper on the Promotion of Therapeutic Goods

New Simon Taylor show

Many active skeptics will have seen Simon Taylor before, so you’ll already know how good and entertaining he is.

click for full size

For those of you who haven’t seen him before let me tell you that he is very good and very entertaining.
He was a big hit at the Global Atheists’ Convention Dinner and more than held his own with other high profile entertainers.
We, (the Victorian Skeptics via Australian Skeptics) supported his two week show at Melbourne Uni’s Guild Theatre last year and it was a great show and with some nights being sold out.
Simon just seems to be getting better and better and so the show, at Darebin Arts Centre on 27th of August, promises to be a great night. Recommended for skeptics and non skeptics alike. Take your family and friends. If they don’t get the skeptical message (and there is one) they’ll at least have a good time and the show won’t end at the final curtain because there will be lingering conversations along the lines of “How did he do that?” …or even “I think I can work out how he did that one…” usually you can’t.

Simon Taylor’s web site

TAM Australia Nov 26-28

As previously reported, The Amazing Meeting Australia will be held at the Sydney Masonic Centre, November 26-28.
The offical website has been launched at tamaustralia.org, and a raft of guests have been confirmed.
The guest list is a who’s-who of internationally-renowned skeptics and freethinkers, including (the Amazing) James Randi, JREF president D.J. Grothe, the entire cast of The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe, Brian Dunning from Skeptoid.com, musician George Hrab, Dr Eugenie Scott, Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, previous Vic Skeptics guest Dr Simon Singh, winner of the inaugural Shorty Award for health Dr Rachael Dunlop, and many many more.
Members of the James Randi Educational Foundation and subscribers to “The Skeptic” will be able to buy early-bird tickets from 9am on Sunday June 20. That’s this weekend!
Tickets for the general public will be available from July 5.
This is going to be a major event in the 2010 skeptical calendar, and tickets will sell fast. Don’t miss out!

Vale Martin Gardner

As James Randi so magnificently wrote:  “My World is a little darker… Martin Gardner has died.”  James knew Martin personally; I only dearly wish I did…
I became aware of Martin Gardner when I was a brand new Mathematics teacher at Irymple Technical School in 1974.  I quickly befriended the Physics teacher and it was he who showed me some of Martin’s books.  Those which I still have are Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions, More Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions and The Annotated Alice.  I have read these books many, many times over the years.
I would now credit Martin as being the main character in giving me my attitude to mathematics – in that it is my favourite hobby and has been since the mid 70’s.
I’m pleased he lived as long as he did.  It still pains me that he is no more.  He will live on through his prolific published works and I will treasure what he gave me – and he didn’t even know me.  This last sentiment reminds me of how many times over the years I have yearned to meet him – ah well, I’m still so very grateful.
Eric Fiesley

From The Vault

What's So Funny? Last week’s trivia night featured the excellent Alternative Handicap 2010.
We’ve been scouring the vaults and found … the Alternative Handicap 2008!
This one features Oujia Board, Creationist, Feng Shui and lots of others.
The original wax cylinder it was recorded on has been been dusted off and the audio polished up. The sound quality isn’t the best, but I think you’ll agree the comedy quality more than makes up for it.
Thanks, once again, to Ken for his sterling work.

The Skeptical Voter

Does my local politician make decisions based on evidence?  Or does he/she try to suppress and ignore evidence in decision making?
I’d really like to know!
I’m somewhat envious that in the UK, voters can now go on-line to find out how their local polly is doing in relation to science and critical thinking.
Keen polly watchers in the UK can contribute to the site by finding those gems in Hansard and public speeches that are of interest to Skeptics; the good, the bad and the “I can’t believe he/she said that”.
IMHO such a site is urgently needed here.  The Skeptical Voter

Homeopath’s own studies show – it doesn’t work

A new review by Prof Edzard Ernst inclusive of studies by Homeopaths, fails to yield positive results.

Announcing a new review of Homeopathy to be published in the Medical Journal of Australia, the review is authored by Prof Edzard Ernst.  A press release by the MJA follows this short introduction.
The introduction to Homeopathy is by Dr Ken Harvey who will be speaking to the Victorian Skeptics on the 21st of June, 2010. [Now a past event.]
Homeopathy has been in the news of late. Earlier this year, a homeopath and his wife were found guilty of manslaughter after their baby daughter died when they treated her severe eczema with homeopathic remedies rather than conventional medicines.  In the United Kingdom, View More Homeopath’s own studies show – it doesn’t work

British Chiropractic Association Withdraws Libel Action.

Simon Singh

There has been a major development in the Simon Singh case. The libel action against Dr Singh has collapsed.
You may recall Simon spoke to the Victorian Skeptics at a special dinner last year. The proceeds of that function were donated to the Sense About Science campaign.
Simon Says:

It still staggers me that the British Chiropractic Association and half the chiropractors in the UK were making unsubstantiated claims. It still baffles me that the BCA then dared to sue me for libel and put me through two years of hell before I was vindicated.  And it still makes me angry that our libel laws not only tolerate but also encourage such ludicrous libel suits. My victory does not mean that our libel laws are okay, because I won despite the libel laws. We still have the most notoriously anti-free speech libel laws in the free world.

Here is a link to the BBC announcement of the news. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8621880.stm
For those who are new to the Simon Singh Saga: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Singh

April Bulletin

Current and upcoming activities and news from the Victorian Branch of the Australian Skeptics.  Please see our latest April Bulletin [PDF].

News Group

Vic Skeptics has an email news group. We send about one bulletin per month, listing and describing our upcoming events and activities, as well as supplying contact information for similar organisations. To join this group, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vic_skeptics_news/