A Skeptic’s Guide to Astrology

This is an edited repost of an article which first appeared here in August 2010. You can also download a similar classroom discussion pamphlet (and a lot more) from our USEFUL INFO page.

The basic proposition of Western Astrology is that your personality and fate are influenced by the apparent positions and motions of heavenly bodies. View More A Skeptic’s Guide to Astrology

May 2016 Puzzles

"What's 4 across?"
“What’s 4 across?”

The theme of the MAY 2016 SKEPTICAL CROSSWORD is Religion and Superstition and as usual comes with your choice of standard or cryptic clues.

set is the 46th in the series. If you’d like to use our Logic & Maths sets in the classroom or just to catch up on the ones you’ve missed, please note that we started posting them in August 2012; (see PUZZLES ARCHIVE 3 .)

As always, seven new Picture Puzzles and twenty new “Mixed Bag” Trivia Questions have been placed at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE


April 2016 Puzzles


The APRIL 2016 SKEPTICAL CROSSWORD is about Homeopathy

is our 45th Logic & Maths set. Our  L&M sets commenced in August 2012; (see PUZZLES ARCHIVE 3 .)

Seven new Picture Puzzles and twenty more “Mixed Bag” Trivia Questions are at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE


March 2016 Puzzles

The Scream by Edvard Munch, 1893

The MARCH 2016 Skeptical Crossword returns to the theme of General Skeptical Issues.

MARCH 2016 LOGIC & MATHS PROBLEMS is the 44th such set. If you wish, you can search for all our other monthly L&M sets starting from August 2012 Maths & Logic Puzzles in PUZZLES ARCHIVE 3 .

Seven new Picture Puzzles and twenty more “Mixed Bag” Trivia Questions are at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE


Australian Skeptics Convention 2016 – Melbourne

convention banner

We are proud to announce that Melbourne will host the annual Convention in 2016.

November 25-27

The main venue will be the Carillo Gantner Theatre in the University of Melbourne’s Asia Centre.


Lawrence Krauss and Edzard Ernst have accepted our invitations to head up a great range of speakers.

We will be setting up a dedicated website for this event: More details soon!

January 2016 Puzzles

jan 2016 framed

This month as a bonus we’ve given ten pre-loved code-type puzzles for you to solve (see left)

You’ll find the answers HERE

The JANUARY 2016 SKEPTICAL CROSSWORD is about job titles and descriptions. It features job titles related to the paranormal, high-falutin’ job titles found on the internet and other interesting, lesser-known  job titles.


and new sets of Picture Puzzles and “Mixed Bag” questions have found their way to the top of the PUZZLES PAGE


Age Editorial

We seem to be riding a wave of mainstream support for a Skeptical / rational view of health policy. The following is an editorial from The Age Newspaper of 22/12/15. The highlights are entirely down to us!

Well done, THE AGE !



You cannot argue against the science

The science is clear. It is beyond argument. It is accepted. For hepatitis C sufferers, there is no dispute, only relief. The federal government announced yesterday that drugs to combat the disease will be placed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. The drugs can cost a patient $100,000 but, for Australia’s 230,000 sufferers, they will now be accessible for the PBS co-payment cost of $37.70, or $6.10 for concession.

According to Health Minister Sussan Ley, 10,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. She hopes that the drugs will not only halt the spread of Hep C, an infectious virus that attacks the liver, but in the long term eradicate it.

It is a welcome, and enlightened, move to alleviate suffering.

And then we move, in a historical paradox, from the enlightenment to the dark ages. The science is still clear. It is still beyond argument. It cannot be repudiated. And yet it is. The subject, of course, is the vaccination of children.

View More Age Editorial

“Letter to the Editor…”


We’re pleased to re-post, with the kind permission of the authors, the following letter. It was published in The Australian newspaper on 18/12/15.
[We note with interest that at the time of posting The Australian is running with this issue on the front page.]

The government is struggling to find savings and about to make real inroads into pathology services, prescriptions and other valuable medical benefits of proven effectiveness. The Treasurer asks for suggestions as to where alternative savings might be made, so here are three. View More “Letter to the Editor…”

Special Event – Dinner with Ross Balch


Ross Balch speaking at 2015 Australian Skeptics Convention
Ross Balch speaking at 2015 Australian Skeptics Convention

Ross Balch BAppSc(MedSc) BAppSc(Microbiol) is a medical researcher, currently studying genetic diversity in dengue virus.

A skeptical activist, Ross is President of the Brisbane Skeptic Society. He is also a Science Populariser, Podcaster, Musician and Photographer.

Vic Skeptics will host Ross at a Dinner where he will speak and perform. His topic will be Emerging Viruses.

“Emerging viruses continue to be a significant challenge for health authorities around the world. In this presentation I examine 3 case studies of emerging viruses; Ebola, Dengue and SARS. I will describe the circumstances that contribute to the spread of each virus, what we can do to limit future out break and what features make a virus more likely to be emergent than others. If you would like some more skepticism I can also discuss some of the pseudoscience that has followed these outbreaks.”

Monday 14th December

La Notte Restaurant, 140 Lygon Street Carlton,

The Club Room, 6:30 for 7:00 pm

$10 entry at the door then meal and drinks at normal prices.

You can see and hear Ross at https://www.youtube.com/user/rossbalch