Skeptics Café – Change of Venue

Twelve years of Vic Skeptics’ tradition came to an end this week when La Notté Restaurant closed indefinitely.

Next January’s Skeptics Café (Monday January 16) will go ahead at The Clyde Hotel, corner of Cardigan and Elgin Streets in Carlton. Some of our readers will already be familiar with The Clyde as the site of our recent Convention Trivia Night.clydelocation

We’ll be in The Lounge. You enter through the beer garden in Cardigan Street. After an optional meal from 6pm with food and drinks at quite reasonable pub prices, Tim Harding will speak on Scientific Skepticism vs Philosophical Skepticism at 8 pm. Those staying on for the talk will be asked to contribute $4.

Street parking can be tight in that area, but tends to open up after six pm. The Eastern Precinct Car Park is very convenient, being next door to the venue in Cardigan Street with a standard $5 fee after 5 pm.

It’s very accessible by public transport: Tram 1 or 8 every 6 minutes stops in Elgin Street at Stop 112.

Puzzles for December 2016


09The DECEMBER 2016 SKEPTICAL CROSSWORD is about General Skeptical issues.

New sets of Picture Puzzles and “Mixed Bag” questions, are at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE

and here’s the  DECEMBER 2016 Logic & Maths Problems. Enjoy!

Puzzles for November 2016


The NOVEMBER 2016 SKEPTICAL CROSSWORD PUZZLE is called Selling The Pharm, and is about the often dubious marketing of both alternative and over-the-counter medicines.

There’s a set of  November 2016 Logic & Maths Problems

and new sets of Picture Puzzles and “Mixed Bag” questions, which are at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE


Convention latest


The Program

Thursday November 24: Convention Trivia Night
The Clyde Hotel cnr Elgin & Cardigan Streets Carlton
Meal from 6pm, Trivia at 7.30 pm
$15 / head entry only (meal & drinks at pub prices)

Friday November 25: Skepticamp
University of Melbourne Old Arts Theatre
9.00 to 5.00
A Great line-up of speakers, and all free.
More details on the UMSS website, here.

Friday November 25: Meet & Greet for Convention ticket-holders.
Bridie O’Reilly’s 29 Sydney Rd, Brunswick
6.00 pm to 9.30 pm View More Convention latest

Lynne Kelly

13700193_1054121704666480_7843799502333502259_nDr Lynne Kelly is one of the more interesting people to be encountered among the Australian Skeptical community. She’s a writer, researcher and science educator, as well as being a foundation member of Australian Skeptics.

Lynne tends not to follow stereotypes. Her first tertiary qualification was in Engineering; armed with this, she began a teaching career in government secondary schools. On the way she co-authored a series of Maths text books. She later branched into extension education for gifted children. Her 1994 book Challenging Minds: Thinking Skills and Enrichment Activities is one result of that period.

View More Lynne Kelly

Puzzles for October 2016


This month as a bonus we’ve given you an extra ten pre-loved code-type puzzles to solve (see left)

You’ll find the answers HERE

The October 2016 Skeptical Crossword Puzzle is called Logical Fallacies # 5.

Here are the links to our previous Logical Fallacies crossword puzzles:
Logical Fallacies Crossword 1

Logical Fallacies Crossword 2

Logical Fallacies Crossword 3

Logical Fallacies Crossword 4

There’s also the October 2016 Logic & Maths Problems

and new sets of Picture Puzzles and “Mixed Bag” questions, which are at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE


Congratulations, Dr Ken Harvey

(reposted from AUSTRALIAN SKEPTICS INC website)


The Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science has awarded Dr Ken Harvey the 2016 ANZAAS Medal.

The medal is awarded annually for services for the advancement of science or administration and organisation of scientific activities, or the teaching of science throughout Australia and New Zealand and in contributions to science which lie beyond normal professional activities. Previous winners of the medal include Sir Gus Nossal, Sir Mark Oliphant and Harry Messel. View More Congratulations, Dr Ken Harvey