Theme: Paranormal Pastimes
by Ken Greatorex

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2. to measure depth; to fully understand or experience something; to make something vertical [5]

5. Exactly suitable, appropriate [3]

10. Portuguese “river” [3]

11. Astromancers [11]

14. Geology: very large interval of time; two or more eras. Astronomy: One billion years. [3]

15. Short fuzzy ends of fibres on fabric surface (e.g. billiard table)  [3]

16. and 4 Down. Fortune teller’s visual aid (Two words, [7], [4])

19: Device using physical manipulation by a small group of people to supernaturally answer questions, give messages, etc. [5]

20. British Parliamentary equivalent to “yea” in U.S. Congress. [3]

22. Firmness of character; indomitable spirit [4]

25. Perceiving all things [10]

27. Study of numbers, e.g. birth dates, and their supposed influence on human affairs [10]

29. Company that offers internet access for a periodic fee (abb) [3]

30. Windlass [7]

32. One who practices thought transference [8]

34. A soft creamy white cheese [4]

35. Alternatively [2]

38. Poem [3]

40. Metal-bearing rock samples that can be commercially mined [4]

43. One who is credited with highly developed skills in a given field [5]

44. Sixteenth Century French apothecary and reputed seer [11]

48. Argot, patois, vernacular [5]

50. Starlike, celestial [6]

51. Negatives [3]

52. Large, anthropoid ape of Borneo and Sumatra: [9]

54. Having many nodes or nodelike swellings; gnarled [7]

55. Cleave, bisect [3]

56. Division into two mutually exclusive, opposed or contradictory groups: [9]


1. Clairvoyance [12]

2. Flower, bouquet or nosegay [4]

3. Harmony, oneness [5]

4. See 16 Across

5. Consumed [3]

6. Offspring [7]

7. Imperial unit of mass [3]

8. Astrological forecast based on the position of the stars and planets at a specific time [9]

9. Contrite, remorseful [8]

12. British administration of India before 1947 [3]

13. Sternly disciplined and rigorously simple, frugal, austere. [7]

17. To fully satisfy [4]

18. Pertaining to aircraft [4]

21. and 42 down. Fortune teller, seer, (literally “one who speaks the truth”) (As two words, [5], [5])

23. Trick, stratagem, artifice [4]

24. Indicates or suggests without stating explicitly [7]

26. Chemical symbol of the element whose atomic number is 12 [2]

28. Small dinosaur; carnivore, possibly feathered, related to birds [6]

30. ” _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Over ”  = “Passing Away” [8]

31. Gaseous mix comprising the atmosphere [3]

33. To be equal in a contest by virtue of having achieved the same score [4]

36. Alternative term for the practice of Divining or Dowsing water or minerals [8]

37. One who holds that there are no God or gods [7]

39. Method of divination used to locate water, metals, gem stones etc [7]

41. Bar extending horizontally between supports, as in a fence [4]

42. See 21 Down

43. To care for and feed livestock for payment [5]

47. Pack of 78 cards often used as an aid to prediction [5]

49. Disbelief, incredulity, misgiving [5]

52. Describing the set of whole numbers which do not have 2 as a factor [3]

53. Part of the circumference of a circle [3]

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