Ross Balch BAppSc(MedSc) BAppSc(Microbiol) is a medical researcher, currently studying genetic diversity in dengue virus.
A skeptical activist, Ross is President of the Brisbane Skeptic Society. He is also a Science Populariser, Podcaster, Musician and Photographer.
Vic Skeptics will host Ross at a Dinner where he will speak and perform. His topic will be Emerging Viruses.
“Emerging viruses continue to be a significant challenge for health authorities around the world. In this presentation I examine 3 case studies of emerging viruses; Ebola, Dengue and SARS. I will describe the circumstances that contribute to the spread of each virus, what we can do to limit future out break and what features make a virus more likely to be emergent than others. If you would like some more skepticism I can also discuss some of the pseudoscience that has followed these outbreaks.”
Monday 14th December
La Notte Restaurant, 140 Lygon Street Carlton,
The Club Room, 6:30 for 7:00 pm
$10 entry at the door then meal and drinks at normal prices.
You can see and hear Ross at