THe Australian Skeptic’s Guide to Cold Reading

This article first appeared as a Vic Skeptics discussion pamphlet, and was previously posted on this site in 2010.
The full range of our discussion pamphlets can be downloaded here:
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Have you ever bought something that you didn’t really want, because the salesperson was so nice, so persuasive, so helpful? Chances are that the salesperson (whether they knew it or not) was using some of the techniques of a skilled Cold Reader.

“Cold Reading” is a term invented by stage magicians. It refers to psychological techniques used by certain people to influence the beliefs and behaviour of other people. View More THe Australian Skeptic’s Guide to Cold Reading

Special Event – Dinner with Ross Balch


Ross Balch speaking at 2015 Australian Skeptics Convention
Ross Balch speaking at 2015 Australian Skeptics Convention

Ross Balch BAppSc(MedSc) BAppSc(Microbiol) is a medical researcher, currently studying genetic diversity in dengue virus.

A skeptical activist, Ross is President of the Brisbane Skeptic Society. He is also a Science Populariser, Podcaster, Musician and Photographer.

Vic Skeptics will host Ross at a Dinner where he will speak and perform. His topic will be Emerging Viruses.

“Emerging viruses continue to be a significant challenge for health authorities around the world. In this presentation I examine 3 case studies of emerging viruses; Ebola, Dengue and SARS. I will describe the circumstances that contribute to the spread of each virus, what we can do to limit future out break and what features make a virus more likely to be emergent than others. If you would like some more skepticism I can also discuss some of the pseudoscience that has followed these outbreaks.”

Monday 14th December

La Notte Restaurant, 140 Lygon Street Carlton,

The Club Room, 6:30 for 7:00 pm

$10 entry at the door then meal and drinks at normal prices.

You can see and hear Ross at

December Puzzles


has CHARLES DARWIN as its theme, and is an early reminder of the celebrations that usually occur on and around February 12 each year.

Click here for


with more PICTURE PUZZLES and MIXED BAG (trivia) QUESTIONS at the top of the PUZZLES PAGE
