We recently announced that Peninsula Skeptics had resumed business after a break. Indeed, the group has bounced back so quickly that it’s worth sharing its impressive event calendar with you.
Tuesday July 9: Presenter: Ian Storey; Topic: Calculating the AU. The data gathered in the 1761 and 1769 observations of the Transit of Venus was used to calculate the Astronomical Unit. Ian Storey will explain how that was done.
Tuesday August 13: Presenter: Tim Harding; Topic: Protection of Port Phillip Bay dolphins. Tim Harding is a former Director of Flora and Fauna in the Department of Primary Industries, with a background in biological sciences. Scientific research has recently shown that the dolphins in Port Phillip Bay are a separate species, rather than a sub-population of coastal bottlenose dolphins found elsewhere. This means that Port Phillip Bay is their only habitat, making them even more vulnerable to extinction.
10 -18: August: National Science Week. Peninsula Skeptics plan to celebrate NSW with specific appropriate activity. More details will be available as they arise.
Tuesday September 10: Presenter: Robyn Watters; Topic: Does consciousness survive death?
Is consciousness separate from the brain or does it die when the brain dies? The science behind Near Death Experiences or Actual Death Experiences as they are now known, will be presented .
Tuesday October 8: Are You a Skeptical Consumer? This is a group participation night. Participants will each offer their example of a product with its misleading marketing.
Peninsula Skeptics monthly meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, at The Peninsula Club Dromana. It is essential that you RSVP the convenor, Graeme Hanigan before attending. The best way to do this is to join the meetup group, at http://www.meetup.com/Teapot-Mornington-Peninsula/ You can also use the site to get your own regular updates, make comments and suggestions, discover more details about the speakers and their topics, meeting times and venue. It’s free!