By Ken Greatorex
Here’s a new skeptically-oriented crossword. Let us know how you get on!
(click on the grid to enlarge and download it)
Clues Across:
2 & 3 across: Sibling Spiritualist Pioneers (Two words: [3, 7])
7: Just one thing after another [6]
10: Writing implement [3]
12 & 17: TV Medium (Two words:[6, 6])
13: Professional Spin-doctoring (abb) [2]
14: Ufology Central [7]
15: Easy bounding gait [4]
17: See 12 Across
20: Not dead [5]
21: The Negative [2]
22. _ _ and Fro [2]
23: Foot digit [3]
25: Faucet [3]
28: Hideous man-eating giant [4]
31: See 49 across
33: Unidentified hominid said to lurk in the Australian wilderness. [5]
35: Succulent plant with medicinal properties [4]
36: Seabird [4]
37. Device for removing an apple’s centre [5]
39: Turns bulls into bullocks [10]
40: Tribal symbol [5]
41: “In the Year of Our Lord” (abb) [2]
43: Taxi [3]
45: Type of selection process where each item has an equal chance of being chosen [5]
46: Lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned [8]
48: Fossil Fuel [3]
49 & 31 across: Technique taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (Two words, [14, 10])
Clues Down:
1: Study that claims to interpret the influence of the heavenly bodies on human affairs [9]
2: Travelled in an aircraft [4]
4: Simultaneous firing of artillery; fusillade; volley [5]
5: Relieves [5]
6: Vocalist [6]
8. Recess in a church building [4]
9 & 38 down: Technique used by magicians and psychics to discover details about another person without prior knowledge (Two words [4, 7])
11: John Edward’s Job Description [11]
13: Greek philosopher [5]
14: See 30 down
30 & 14 down: Important feature of the Scientific method (Two words [4, 6])
16: Irrational number [2]
18: Loosen [5]
19: Small water vehicle [4]
24: Slippery fish [3]
26: Devotee of the Flying Spaghetti Monster [11]
27: Medical system based on the precept “Like Cures Like” [10]
29: Anthropomorphic mechanical being built to do routine manual work [5]
30: See 14 down
32: Divining [7]
34: Article; unit [4]
37: Musical term; passage added to the end of a composition [4]
38: See 9 down
40: Trick-taking card game appropriated by fortune-tellers [5]
42: Loose outer garment worn to protect the clothes [5]
43: Duck-like freshwater bird [4]
44: Sphere [4]
47: Finish [3]
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Nice one. 48 across seems to be missing a clue, but its not essential to solve.
Many thanks for your kind words and your heads-up on the clue.
I always say, if you want something proof-read properly, publish it and wait for suggestions.
I’ll remedy the problem immediately.