Monday June 21st, La Notte Restaurant 140 Lygon Street Carlton 8pm
Balancing Commerce, Choice and Consumer Protection: Reforming Complementary Medicine Regulation.
Dr. Harvey is a medical graduate with a special interest in the regulation of therapeutic goods.
He was a member of the expert group that drafted the World Health Organization “Ethical Criteria for Medicinal Drug Promotion” and was also a member of the Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Health and Rational use of Medicines (PHARM) Committee that formulated the quality use of medicines pillar of Australian medicines policy.
He currently holds the position of Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the School of Public Health, La Trobe University. He had been awarded life membership of Choice (the Australia Consumer’s Association), is a member of the National Prescribing Service Research and Development Working Group, and the Governing Council of Health Action International, Asia Pacific.

Skeptics Café
Victorian skeptics social & virtual events