A Short Biography
Ian Robinson is President of the Rationalist Society of Australia and for a number of years edited the Australian Rationalist. He worked for more than twenty years as a senior curriculum officer, researcher and professional development officer with the Victorian Education Department and wrote their basic curriculum document, The Primary School Curriculum: A Guide for Victoria Schools (1979). Before that he was a Tutor in Philosophy at the University of Melbourne and then Lecturer in Education at Coburg Teachers’ College. He has a long list of educational publications. He was Buckley in the cabaret group “Buckley, Hope and Nun” performing at the Flying Trapeze Cafe and elsewhere. He has acted in and directed a number of plays including at La Mama and the Pram Factory. His one-act play “The Fountain of Love” won the 2006 National Playwright Competition; his fantasy story “The Crypt of Fleeting Hope” was published by Penguin; and he wrote the chapter on Bruce Doull in Footy’s Greatest Players. He is married to Logie-winning actress and artist Maggie Millar. He currently teaches Story Structure, Scriptwriting and Myths & Symbols at Chisholm Institute.
March, 2009
Skeptics Café
Victorian skeptics social & virtual events