2004-09-16 News

Warning over illegal chain letters

The Age“: More than 1000 Victorians have been sent warning notices this week after consumer affairs inspectors intercepted nearly 13,000 illegal chain letters.

More than 80,000 of the letters have been seized around the country. The letter details the plight of an indebted man who participates in a “perfectly legal business opportunity” and reaps $1.1 million. Recipients are asked to send $10 to a name on the top of a list and forward the letter to 200 people. It promises that $70,000 in $10 notes will flood their letterbox. Consumer Affairs Minister John Lenders said the letters were a form of pyramid selling and individuals who particupated in such schemes faced fines of more than $24,000 if prosecuted. http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/cbav/fairsite.nsf/pages/of_hottopics_davidrhodes?OpenDocument