1. (a) Trepidation, (b) Paroxysm, (c)Excruciating
2. 364
3. Tiger Woods
4. Gran Turismo or Grand Touring
5. Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
6. Lt. Columbo
7. Rose Red
8. Gotham City
9. Paternal, parental
10. Garth
11. A Bank gave him $88 million by mistake
12. Ralph Lauren
13. (a) Ouida
(b) from her own childish pronunciation of her given name “Louise”
14. Mountains
15. A synthetic / man made element / element 116
16. Walter and John Huston (Treasure of Sierra Madre)
17. Boxing (World Heavyweight)
18. Youngest ever AFL/VFL
19. Republic of the Seychelles
20. 8 lengths