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1, 9 across & 11 across. “His Noodly Appendage” (Three Words [6], [9], [7])
5. Young Urban Professional [6]
9. See 1 across
11. See 1 across
13. Featurettes [6]
15. Norse version of the Christmas Festival [8]
16. Self-styled 9/11 Conspiracy theorist [7]
18. Irrational number [2]
19. Celtic warrior-priest [5]
21. Perception by means other than the physical senses (abb) [3]
23. To confer knighthood [3]
25. Unity [3]
26. Jewish Festival of Lights [8]
29. Lunatic season? (Two words) [4],[4])
31. Zero [3]
32. Common form of electronic messaging [5]
34. Raised to the power of two [7]
35. Collection of Norse poems [4]
36. Light greyish-brown or yellowish-brown to greyish-yellow [6]
39. Joust fests [8]
40. Finger joint [7]
41. Me in French [3]
43. A deliberately misleading story; an aircraft’s stubby winglike control surface forward of the wing [6]
44. A verse written by Nostradamus [8]
2. Luxury car [9]
3. Australian equivalent of Britain’s VAT [3]
4. Standard, average [3]
5. The affirmative [3]
6 and 22 down. King Arthur’s natural father (two words, [5], [9])
7. Request at the bottom of a page (abb) [3]
8. Made use of or reproduced (another’s work) without authorization [7]
12. Roman feast from which Christmas date is derived [10]
14 and 30 down. Mythical Australian poet (Two words [3], [6])
17. Systematic procedure for accomplishing a complex task [9]
18. Italian river [2]
20. Extinct bird [4]
22. See 6 down
24. Inconsiderate, unsympathetic [6]
27. Evening before All Saint’s Day [9]
28 and 33 down. The Jelly Bean Lady (Two words [7], [6])
29. RSS or Atom, for example [4]
30. See 14 down
33. See 28 down
36. Ursa Major = The Great _ _ _ _ [4]
37. Doctrines [4]
38. Large predatory sea bird [4]
42. Individual score for a standardised test of intelligence (abb) [2]
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